Kalau kalian ingin demo,persiapkanlah segala peralatan demo kalian.kalian juga harus ketahui alat-alat apa saja yang biasanya di gunakan oleh polisi untuk membatasi demo kalian.
semprotan air |
kalau untuk menjebol pagar body polisi,kalian pake gerobak yang isinya batang pohon..pertama kalian tutupin gerobaknya sama sekumpulan kalian agar jangan sampai ketahuan.kalian bikin tiga barisan,barisan pertama yang menabrakkan body ke polisi,
water canon |
kalau water cannon mah pake payung aja.
gas air mata |
pagar kawat berduri |
jadi kalian juga harus cerdas,kalau mau demo harus bawa apa aja yang bisa buat aman kalian juga demo kalian terwujud atau ada hasilnya.
ini baru yang namanya berjuang...!!
ingatlah gagal sekali itu baru ngalamin(baru pengalaman)
gagal kedua kali intropeksi diri ...
yang ketiga kali pasti bisa!!!
saatnya kita berjuang bersama demi masa depan yang sejahtera bagi rakyat jelata
If you want a demo, prepare all your demo equipment. You should also know what tools are usually used by the police to limit your demo.
The results of drawings for tools commonly used by the police to face demonstrators
Image results for tear gas
The results of drawings for tools commonly used by the police to face demonstrators
if to break down the fence of the police body, you use a cart whose contents are tree trunks ... first you cover the wagon with a bunch of you so that you don't get caught.
the second line that covers the wagon ...
and the third line, push the bus, don't push the cart by yourself, it's heavy ... it must be driving the police ...
The results of drawings for tools commonly used by the police to face demonstrators
water canon
for water cannon, just use an umbrella.
Image results for tear gas
tear gas
The results of the drawing for barbed wire fence
barbed wire fence
if to get through the barbed wire fence, you bring a wooden board that is rather long and wide ... you can save it on the wire fence and if you jump ...
so you also have to be smart, if you want to have to bring anything demo that can make it safe you also manifest your demo or there is a result. to destroy the police.
to avoid the danger of tear gas you just use swimming goggles, hehe ...
this is the name of fighting ... !!
remember to fail once it's just experienced (new experience)
failed the second time self-introspection ...
the third time can certainly !!!
semangaaaaattttttt !!!!!!!
it's time we fight together for a prosperous future for commoners
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