Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Samsung halting Galaxy Alpha production

Samsung halting Galaxy Alpha production

Next: Stellar series smartphones with Analog TV!Samsung is expected to halt production of the metal-clad Galaxy Alpha early 2015 and instead project Galaxy A5 smartphone as the model’s replacement.

Sources say that with the expected launch of Galaxy A5 in South Korea in mid-January or early February, Samsung would be most likely phasing out the entire production of the Galaxy Alpha after current inventory of materials would get exhausted for this smartphone.

Samsung also seem to be facing production issues for the latest metal-clad Galaxy A series and hence the delayed launch.

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