Apa kamu tahu cara memilih calon bakal jadi pendamping hidupmu ? (cari istri yang paling ampuh)
Kamu pengen cari jodoh nih? tapi masih bingung nih tipe cewe kaya bagaimana yah yang cocok buat di jadiin calon istri?
ini saya punya tips ,cara mencari calon istri yang tepat buat di jadiin pasangan hidup,soalnya kenapa kita harus benar-benar memilih yang terbaik,soalnya nantinya agar kita tidak menyesal telah memilih calon istri juga ibu bagi anak-anak kita kelak.yaitu...
bakal calon istri juga ibu bagi anak anak kita |
kita liat dulu kriteria nya:
- wajahnya cantik dan tubuhnya kaya gitar espanyola
- biasa aja tidak jelek dan tidak cantik
- rajin ibadahnya
- nurut sama perintah orang tuanya.
- tidak maluan alias tidak punya gengsi
- agamanya harus sama dengan kita
- keturunannya orang kaya
- penampilannya serba tertutup alias cuman kelihatan matanya saja
Di atas adalah beberapa kriteria bakal calon istri,apa kalian tahu kriteria apa yang paling bagus di jadiin istri?
kita bahas satu-satu nih.
kalau kita punya calon bakal istri dari segi wajahnya cantik dan tubuhnya bohay.
kriteia ini belum tentu bagus buat kalian,soalnya kenapa?
yang namanya berumah tangga itu buat pendamping hidup kita selama-lamanya.
jadi kalau namanya rupa atau fisik itu bisa menipu.
wajah nya cantik dan tubuhnya sexy itu belum tentu sifatnya baik dan ramah.
okelah kita baru menikah selama 3 bulan,itu mah belum kelihatan sifat aslinya dulur...
kita baru bisa mengetahui sifat aslinya pasangan kita itu minimal usia pernikahan kita 3 tahun.
nah di situlah kita baru bisa tahu kejelekan dan kebaikan pasangan hidup kita.
kalau kita punya calon bakal istri yang bisa di bilang wajahnya gak terlalu cantik dan juga gak terlalu jelek,atau biasa aja.
yang ini juga belum tentu bagus buat kamu.brayy...yang jelek belum tentu sifatnya juga jelek,namun kita bisa tahu kalau usia pernikahan kita 3 tahun.
barulah terbuka karakter aslinya pasangan hidup kita.
kalau kita lihat calon bakal istri kita ini rajin sekali ibadahnya bray...
menurut kamu apa ini cocok ya soalnya kita tahu ini ciri wanita sholehah.
jawabanya belum tentu sob...
soalnya ketika nanti dia jadi istrimu,yang di utamain sama dia hanya ibadah aja terus buat dirinya sendiri.dia tidak melirik dirimu sama sekali,hahaha kasian aja kamu nyah..
kalau bakal calon istri kita nurut sama orang tuanya?
bagaimana kriteria yang seperti ini?
alasanya begini,sewaktu dia belum menikah sama kita,dia kan nurut sama perintah kedua orang tuanya,nantinya setelah dia menikah sama kita,otomatis orang tuanya bakal nyuruh dia buat patuh sama perintah kita sebagai calon imamnya.
sudah dah gak usah panjang lebar lagi dibahas nya pokoknya selain yang ini kriterianya belum tentu cocok di jadiin pendamping hidup.
semoga bermanfaat kawan.
inget nikah itu kalau bisa sekali seumur hidup!
how to choose a future wife
by jilan fauzi on 8:28 AM in do you know?
Do you want to find a mate? but still confused about the type of rich girl, how is it suitable for a future wife?
I have tips, how to find the right wife to make a life partner for, the problem is why we have to really choose the best one, the problem is that later we will not regret choosing a future wife and mother for our children in the future. .
future wives and mothers for our children
we first look at the criteria:
her face is beautiful and her body is like an espanyola guitar
just ordinary, not ugly and not beautiful
diligent in worship
according to the orders of his parents.
not embarrassed, aka do not have prestige
religion must be the same as us
the descendants of the rich
His appearance is completely closed, only his eyes are visible
Above are some of the criteria for a future wife, do you know what criteria are best for being a wife?
we discuss one by one.
If we have a future wife, in terms of her beautiful face and beautiful body.
This kriteia is not necessarily good for you, because why?
whose name is household is for our companion in life forever.
so if the name is physical or physical it can be deceiving.
Her face is beautiful and her body is sexy, it is not necessarily a kind and friendly character.
ok have we just been married for 3 months, it still doesn't show its true nature yet ...
we can only know the true nature of our spouse, at least our marriage age is 3 years.
well, that's where we can find out the ugliness and goodness of our life partners.
if we have a future wife who can say her face is not too beautiful and not too ugly, or just plain.
This one is also not necessarily good for you. brayy ... the bad is not necessarily bad, but we can tell that our marriage age is 3 years.
then open the original character of our life partner.
If we see that our future wife is very diligent in her worship bray ...
Do you think this is suitable, because we know this is a characteristic of pious women.
the answer is not necessarily friend ...
because when she becomes your wife, the main thing is that she only worship and continue for herself. she doesn't even glance at you, hahaha sorry for you ...
if our future wives obey their parents?
how about criteria like this?
The reason is this, when he was not married to us, he was following the orders of his parents, later after he married us, his parents would automatically tell him to obey our orders as future priests.
already, no need to go at length anymore to discuss the point, apart from this, the criteria are not necessarily suitable for life companion
hopefully useful friends.
remember that marriage if possible once in a lifetime!
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