Untuk memimpin itu pastilah tidak mudah dan semudah kita membalikkan telapak tangan kita,nah ini ada cara untuk memilih calon pemimpin yang layak untuk di jadikan pemimpin.
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jangan memilih calon presiden yang di dukung oleh benyak partai.alasannya,jika presiden itu terpilih dia hanya mendahulukan urusan-urusan partai-partai yang telah mendukungnya,bahasa gaulnya balas budi gitu,jadi kalau bakal calon presiden terpilih di dukung oleh banyak partai,nantinya setelah terpilih jadi presiden,dia akan balas budi ke partai-partai yang telah mendukungnya,jadi rakyat mah di nomer dua in,nomer satunya mah ngurus dulu partai-partai yang telah mendukung dia sehingga menjadi bapak presiden. hahahahahaha
tapi ini ada yang lebih bagus caranya dan paling jitu,soalnya memilih pemimpin itu kita yang merasakannya milihnya cuman 5 menit,untung rugi nya selama 5 tahun kita yang rasakan.
oleh karena itu saya akan memberitahu caraefektif memilih bakal calon pemimpin;
yaitu :
pilihlah pemimpin yang PERCAYA AKAN ADANYA HARI AKHIRAT,lho ko harus yang percaya adanya hari akhirat?
soalnya kalau bakal calon pemimpin tahu dan meyakini seratus persen akan adanya hari akhirat,berarti dia tahu bahwa nantinya dia akan di mintai pertanggung jawaban oleh TUHANnya di akhirat nanti.
jadi dia akan berusaha berlaku adil SEADIL ADILNYA dalam memimpin masyarakat yang di pimpinya,dan tidak mau menerima UANG SUAP dari lembaga atau pihak swasta /pengusaha yang meminta ijin akan urusan mereka.
ada satu lagi klu nya,
biasanya orang yang bisa dan mampu untuk menjadi pemimpin dia tidak mau mencalonkan diri sebagai calon pemimpin,soalnya dia tahu,untuk memimpin dirinya sendiri juga keluarganya aja belum bisa apalagi untuk memimpin orang lain.
juga orang yang tahu menjdi pemimpin itu ,yang namanya memimpin itutidak mudah semudah membalikkan telapak tangan,dia tahu RESIKOnya amat sangat BESAAARR,tanggung jawabnya DUNIA DAN AKHIRAT.
Pilih bakal calon pemimpin itu,
jangan yang bisanya cuman ngasih duit sama ngasih barang yang bernilai sedikit kaya dispenser ataupun semacamnya agar kalian mau join atau mau dukung partai mereka sebelum acara pencoblosan di adakan.setelah pemimpin yang memberi uang atau barang dan semacamnya, agar kalian mendukung partai mereka sebelum dia terpilih jadi pemimpin,nantinya setelah dia terpilih menjadi pemimpin,dia akan mengambil uang rakyat secara KORUPSI...!
milihnya cuman 5 menit,ruginya selama 5 tahun kita rasakan.
biar orang-orang kecil kaya kita ini bisa tahu mana yang bener juga mana yang salah kalo di jadiin pemimpin di negeri ini.biar jadi viral...jadi semua orang pada tahu terserah kalian dah pokoknya caranya.inget.niatin tolong-menolong dalam kebaikan ,insya alloh alloh swt akan bantu kita semua untuk merubah bangsa ini menjadi lebih baik.
in english :
To lead it is certainly not easy and as easy as we turn our palms, now there is a way to choose candidates who are worthy of being made leaders.
do you think a businessman deserves to be a leader? because we know he can succeed in his business.
the answer is not necessarily, because the name of the businessman in his mind is only profit and loss, only thinking about what the costs are and how much it costs.
later when a businessman becomes a leader, people who will be dreamed of will always be counted on to fulfill their interests. The slang language is used.
if we take the prospective leader, is he religious?
our country is a lot of religion, it doesn't need to be mentioned also you know it yourself
the answer is not necessarily able to lead, because people who know their religion are usually only concerned with themselves and the religion they embrace ...
if prospective leaders from the military?
the problem is that what we know is that the military name is good and brave, not afraid of danger.
If you think about it too, if from this point of view, then the desire of the second president of the republic is also from the military, right?
do not choose a presidential candidate supported by the various parties. the reason is, if the president is elected he only prioritizes the affairs of the parties that have supported him, the slang reciprocates so, so if the elected presidential candidates are supported by many parties, later after elected president, he will reciprocate to parties that have supported him, so the people in number two in, the number one will take care of the parties that have supported him to become the president's father. hahahahahaha
but this is the better and most effective way, because choosing those leaders who feel it is only 5 minutes, profit and loss for the 5 years we feel.
therefore I will tell you how to effectively choose prospective leaders;
that is :
choose a leader who BELIEVES WILL BE THE LAST DAY, do you have to believe in the hereafter?
the problem is if prospective leaders know and believe one hundred percent will be the hereafter, meaning he knows that later he will be held accountable by his LORD in the hereafter.
so he will try to be fair with his justice in leading the community he dreamed of, and not accepting money from institutions or private parties / entrepreneurs who ask permission for their affairs.
there is one more thing,
usually people who can and are able to become leaders do not want to run for candidates, because he knows, just to lead himself and his family can not yet let alone to lead others.
also someone who knows to be the leader, whose name leads it is not easy as easy as turning the palm of his hand, he knows the RISK is very, very BIGAAARR, its responsibility WORLD AND END.
Choose the prospective leader,
do not usually only give money at the same time giving goods that are worth a little rich in dispensers or something so you want to join or want to support their party before the voting event is held. After the leader gives money or goods and such, so that you support their party before being elected leader, later after he was elected leader, he would take public money by CORRUPTION ...!
only 5 minutes, the loss for the 5 years we feel.
if you can, I like this news about how to choose a leader who is worthy of being a leader, the problem is that in our country it is chaotic in politics ... just like this in all parts of Indonesia.
so that these little people who are rich in us can know which one is true, which is wrong when being made a leader in this country. So it will be viral ... so everyone knows that it's up to you and the point is how to do it. , God willing Allah will help us all to change this nation for the better.
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