Dengan menyebut namamu ya alloh yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang,
kami hanya nuntut KEADILAN bagi seluruh rakyat indonesia.
namun jika kalian menggunakan dalil-dalil agama sebagai alat untuk menciutkan nyali umat islam ini.kami do`akan agar kalian cepat sadar,dan ikut dengan kami untuk menegakkan keadilan demi anak cucu kita kelak.
kita memang wajib mentaati pemimpin di antara kita,tapi pemimpin yang bagaimana dulu ?
kalau pemimpin yang mau ngejerumusin rakyat nya kepada jurang kehancuran,kita boleh tidak mentaati pemimpin yang seperti ini.
pemimpin yang boleh kita taati ialah pemimpin yang apa yang dia ucapkan sejalan dengan apa yang dia lakukan.
menyuruh yang makruf,meyuruh manusia mengerjakan amal kebajikan,bukan pemimpin yang lebih pro kepada tiongkok daripada rakyatnya sendiri.
namun jika engkau ceramah hanya untuk membuat ciut nyali umat,semoga alloh dan malaikatnya melaknatmu!
engkau belajar agama dan banyak menggunakan dalil-dalil agama demi membenarkan apa yang bisa menguntungkan dirimu,sedang yang tidak menguntungkan sebagiannya lagi kau sembunyikan.
di indonesia mah orang berpakaian baju koko dan gamis,terus pake kopyah atau songko pasti orang awam seperti saya panggil dia ustadz.
By mentioning your name, O Allah, the Most Merciful, Most Merciful,
O Muslims, when you hear a lecture from an ustad, who says you cannot protest, arrest the cleric, tell the cleric that he will study in elementary school.
tell this cleric, state, DEMOCRACY, so every citizen has the right to express his aspirations through the DEMO.
want it to be a Christian, a Buddhist, a native Chinese, especially if we are Muslims. teach if we demo demands our leader who is now in charge, because our leader is indeed cheating.
once again I said this one leader won by C.U.R.A.N.G!
So we demoined the government to demand JUSTICE. Just like Pak Jokowi won the president in an honest manner and was not devious and fraudulent, we had no problem wanting to pack Jokowi to or want Pak Prabowo to, who became his president.
what we have a problem with, where is honesty in DEMOCRACY?
where is the location of justice for all Indonesian people?
isn't the fifth Pancasila sound is social justice for all Indonesian people?
as long as you know that our government is fair and honest, where are the people who want to rally?
tired of knowing the demonstration, already spent time, energy for what to try, only demand JUSTICE for all Indonesian people.
We know that Pak Jokowi will not speak a word, because you are the actors behind Jokowi who will make a reply.
we are indeed obliged to obey the leaders among us, but what kind of leader?
if a leader wants to destroy his people to the brink of destruction, we may not obey a leader like this.
the leader that we may obey is the leader of what he says is in line with what he does.
telling the right, telling people to do good deeds, not leaders who usually add to the country's debt.
it's the same as killing in a subtle way the people themselves.
O Indonesian people, once again if you hear there is a cleric who lectures on us, Muslims are not allowed to protest the government, please tell Ustadz that he will return to elementary school.
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