Bukankah bunyi pancasila yang ke satu adalah KETUHANAN YANG MAHA ESA?
Jadi ketahuilah dan sadarlah wahai orang-orang yang percaya tuhan lebih dari satu.
allohu ahad,dialah pemimpin di atas segala pemimpin baik yang ada di langit maupun yang ada di dunia.itu kenapa kondisi alam jagat raya ini bisa berjalan teratur,
logikanya begini,kita tahu bukan bahwa negara indonesia ini terdiri dari berbagai macam suku bangsa dan bahasa yang berbeda-beda?
tapi kenapa kita bisa bersatu dalam kesatuan republik indonesia?itu karena pemimpinnya cuman ada satu,presidennya hanya ada satu yang mimpin negeri ini,makannya kehidupan kita bisa berjalan normal dan teratur.
coba kalian bayangkan jika presiden republik indonesia ini lebih dari satu,dua atau tiga,bisa gak masyarakatnya di atur?dan bisa gak kehidupan masyarakatnya berjalan normal?
otomatis tidak bukan pasti masyarakatnya hanya menuruti presiden yang di pilih rakyatnya saja,
contohnya saat terjadi pemilihan presiden kemarin,apakah rakyat kita bisa bersatu?
tidak bukan,yang pro kepada bapak jokowi mendukung pak jokowi,dan yang pro bapak prabowo,mendukung bapak prabowo,jadi masyarakat terpecah menjadi dua bagian,
begitu juga jika tuhan ini ada lebih dari satu,maka semua mahluk yang ada di langit dan yang ada di dunia ini tidak akan pernah bisa bersatu,dan sering terjadi gesekan,bukan(sering terjadi konflik bukan?
tapi jika presiden kita hanya ada satu,rakyat indonesia ini pasti akan bersatu kembali,dan hidup akan kembali normal.
begitu juga dengan tuhan kita hanya ada satu di alam jagat raya ini,itu sebabnya semua sistem jagat raya berjalan menurut aturanNYA.yakni allohu ahad.bayangin aja kalau tuhan lebih dari satu,misal tuhan yang ada di langit satu dan di bumi satu,apa keduanya bisa bersatu dan hidup berdampingan,dan hidup teratur?
God is there is only one in the universe, that is ALLOH SWT .ALLOH is the one who has rolled out the night to day and night to night. It was he who published the sun from the east, and sunk from the west.
he is the one who grows trees and turns off. it is he who runs the place where the orbits of the planets travel in the universe. all of them are just ALLOH who regulates it.
not a god of god.
so for those of you who believe that this god is more than one, know and realize ...
there is only one god, allohu ahad, no child and not in peranakan. there are no two, neither there are three or more, god there is only one, namely ALLAH AHAD.
Isn't the sound of the one pancasila the ALMIGHTY GOD?
So know and realize more than one people who believe in God.
allohu ahad, he is the leader of all leaders both in the sky and in the world. that is why the natural conditions of the universe can run regularly,
the logic is this, we know not that the country of Indonesia consists of various kinds of ethnic groups and different languages?
but why can we unite in the unity of the republic of Indonesia? because there is only one leader, there is only one president who leads this country, eating our lives can run normally and regularly.
try you imagine if the president of the Republic of Indonesia is more than one, two or three, can the people not be regulated? and can the people's lives not run normally?
automatically it is not uncertain that the people only obey the president who is chosen by the people,
for example, during the presidential election yesterday, can our people unite?
no no, the pro to Mr. Jokowi supports Pak Jokowi, and the one who is Mr. Prabowo, supports Mr. Prabowo, so the community is divided into two parts,
so also if there is more than one god, then humans in this world will never be able to unite, and there is often friction, not (conflict often occurs right?
but if our president has only one, this Indonesian people will definitely be reunited, and life will return to normal.
so also with our god there is only one in the universe, namely allohu ahad.
Just imagine if God is more than one, for example God is in the sky one and on earth one, can both be united and live side by side, and live in order?
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