Apakah kalian sering melihat beberapa anak kecil berlari mengejar layang-layang yang putus?
yah layang-layang satu,di kejar-kejar oleh beberapa anak kecil.kita sering melihat anak-anak berlarian kencang tanpa menghiraukan apa yang ada di depan matanya,karena pandangan mereka terfokus pada layang-layang yang putus.
tidak peduli ada apa saja yang ada di depan mereka,mau masuk sawah,nyebur ke kolam mau nabrak mobil ataupun motor yang lagi parkir,demi menangkap kenur dari layangan yang kalah.
dari beberapa anak kecil tersebut,apa kalian bisa berpikir padahal mah layangan banyak di warung harganya juga paling cuman seribuan bisa dapet.
lalu apa yang membuat anak-anak pada berlari mengejar layang-layang yang putus?dia tidak ragu,dia tidak takut kalau dia harus beradu,harus bersaing dengan anak yang lain untuk memperebutkan layangan tersebut.
dan ketika salah satu anak mendapatkan layangan putus tersebut,raut wajahnya pun gembira,karena jerih payahnya berlarian terbayar dengan mendapatkan layangan yang dia incar.
in english:
Do you often see some small children running after the kite that is broken?
well, one kite, chased by a number of small children. We often see children running around regardless of what's in front of their eyes, because their eyes are focused on the kite breaking up.
no matter what is in front of them, want to enter the fields, splash into the pool want to hit a car or motorbike which is parked again, in order to catch the kites from the losing kites.
from some of these small children, can you think even though many kites in the price stalls are also only as thousands as they can get.
then what makes the children run after the kite that is broken, he does not hesitate, he is not afraid that he must fight, must compete with other children to fight over the kite.
and when one of the children got the broken kite, the look on his face was happy, because his efforts ran off paying off with the kite he was after.
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