orang yang bisa dan mampu untuk memimpin bangsa ini di singkirkan,justru orang yang tidak tahu cara memimpin di jadikan presiden di republik ini,
hampir semua sendi penegak hukum di negara ini hingga mahkamah konstitusi semuanya sudah tidak bisa di percaya lagi.
karena hukum di negara ini semuanya bisa di beli dengan uang.kami rakyat sudah tahu akan hal itu.jadi pantas saja kalau bapak prabowo tidak menang dalam persidangan di mahkamah konstitusi.
soalnya semuanya telah di nodai.hakim yang seharusnya bisa tegak lurus dalam menjalankan tugasnya,ini malah seperti menutup mata akan kebenaran juga bukti-bukti yang telah di berikan.
sekali lagi UANG,UANG DAN UANG lah yang telah meracuni dan menodai hukum di negara ini.
jadi bangsa ini sudah bukan berdasarkan pancasila lagi.akan tetapi sudah mulai terlihat bahwa bangsa ini semuanya bisa beres kalau di terapkannya UUD(Ujung-ujungnya duit).
jadi wahai rakyat indonesia,apa kalian masih mau tetap saja diam??
in english:
Isn't the fifth Pancasila sound is justice for all Indonesian people?
O Mr. Jokowi and all the accomplices behind him, know that you are the ones who have ruined the values of the Pancasila.
Know that you have tarnished the good name of Pancasila. And you also have damaged the national order that was built by the founding fathers of the nation, the first president of this republic.
the laws in this country are sharply down and blunt upward, describing the dilapidation of the country's governance system. the rulers in power in the government of this country are people who are thirsty for office and money.
people who can and are able to lead this nation are excluded, even people who do not know how to lead are made president in this republic,
almost all the joint law enforcement agencies in the country from the supreme court to the constitutional court have all been disbelieved.
because the laws in this country can all be bought with money. We the people already know about it. It would be appropriate if Mr. Prabowo did not win the trial at the constitutional court.
the problem is everything has been stained. The judge who should be upright in carrying out his duties, this is like closing his eyes to the truth as well as the evidence that has been given.
once again MONEY, MONEY AND MONEY has poisoned and tarnished the law in this country.
So this nation is no longer based on Pancasila. But it has begun to show that this nation can all be OK if the Constitution is implemented (the ends are money).
So O people of Indonesia, do you still want to stay still ??
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