umat islam di indonesia kan bermazhab kepada ke 4 imam tersebut.pernahkah kalian berpikir dari siapa ke 4 imam tersebut belajar ilmu?
dan taukah kalian bahwa ke 4 imam tersebut juga adalah seorang manusia?
masing-masing imam memiliki cara beribadah yang berbeda,itu karena pikiran mereka tidak sama,karena mereka adalah manusia yang berbeda.
lain orang lain pikiran,tapi yang harus kalian ketahui,tujuan ke 4 imam tersebut adalah sama,yaitu ingin mendapatkan ridho dan pahala dari alloh swt.
sekarang ini janganlah kalian melihat cara atau mazhab dari ke 4 imam ini yang berbeda,namun lihatlah tujuan dari ke 4 imam tersebut,maka kalian akan sama.
sama-sama ingin menambah amal kebaikan dan juga pahala dan ridho alloh swt,begonnooo......
Do you know why you are underestimated by your enemies, especially by Jews and idolaters?
it's because of yourself that you are still dependent on earth. actually kaolian is
Islamic descendants are called descendants of mah, so follow the habits of our parents.
what do you mean by what you mean is that you are Muslim because your parents are Muslim, but in fact you are wrong ...
in your heart there is no such thing as a faith!
you only understand what your parents taught you and your pesantren education. only (through the books of previous people).
do you understand why there can be a school of Imam Safi`i, Imam Hambali, Imam Maliki, also Imam Hanafi?
Muslims in Indonesia are converting to the 4 imams. Have you ever thought of who the 4 imams studied knowledge?
and do you know that the 4 priests are also human?
each priest has a different way of worship, that is because their minds are not the same, because they are different human beings.
other people think, but what you should know, the purpose of the 4 priests is the same, which is to get the blessing and merit from Allah swt.
now do not you see the way or school of the 4 different priests, but look at the purpose of the 4 imams, then you will be the same.
both want to add to the good deeds and also the merits and blessings of Allah swt, begonnooo ......
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