jalan satu-satunya adalah jalin kembali persatuan dan kesatuan sesama rakyat kecil,saling tolong menolong sesama rakyat kecil,
kalau di suruh bayar pajak,jangan mau bayar,biarlah para elit pemerintah merasakan kesusahan ekonomi seperti yang selama ini kita rasakan.
mau pajak bumi dan bangunan,maupun pajak apa saja yang ujung-ujungnya bakalan bikin untuk pemerintah kita.
dirikan sholat yang 5 waktu di awal waktu secara berjamaah di masjid di lingkungan kalian masing-masing.berdo`alah kepada alloh swt,agar alloh swt mengirimkan bala bantuan untuk kita.
menolong kita,memberi kekuatan kepada kita rakyat kecil untuk melawan para penguasa yang serakah dan dzolim kepada rakyat.
jadi kita sekarang mulai mengetahui siapa musuh kita sebenarnya ....
kita mulai di lingkungan kita sendiri-sendiri,kita saling tolong menolong dan saling bantu kepada tetangga kita,teman kita sesama rakyat kecil.
catatan :
wahai umat islam hati-hati dengan semua uploadan dari akun yotube yang bernama berita satu.
oknum yang punya akun ini adalah antek dajjal
It turns out that our country has been controlled by a government regime behind the scenes, almost all lines of government in our country they control.
from the start of our government order at the village level, to the presidential level.
from the police force to the ranks of the TNI they have mastered.
so anyone who rejects their plans or opposes their plans will surely be removed from office, even a class of presidents will not dare to oppose them.
so whether they want it or not, like it or not, they or the ranks of government in our country are obliged to obey their orders.
from civil servants, to reporters seeking news sources. really miserable our fate as small people, we can only be silent to see the arbitrariness of the political elite in oppressing us people, the weak.
the only way is to re-establish the unity and unity of fellow small people, help each other help fellow small people,
if told to pay taxes, do not want to pay, let the government elite feel the economic hardship as we have so far.
want land and building taxes, as well as any taxes that will ultimately make it for our government.
set up prayers 5 times at the beginning of time in congregation in the mosque in your respective neighborhoods. pray to Allah swt, so that Allah swt sends reinforcements to us.
help us, give strength to us little people to fight against greedy rulers and dzolim to the people.
so we are now beginning to find out who our real enemy is ...
we start in our own environment, we help each other and help each other to our neighbors, our friends, fellow small people.
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