ada lagi tujuan dari elit global untuk menghilangkan fungsi uang kertas,yakni manusia akan di arahkan ke bentuk uang digital.nantinya kita atau setiap manusia akan di pasangi chip di tangan,chip tersebut berisi file,file beserta uang digital yang bisa di pakai praktis oleh si manusia tersebut.
namun kalian harus ketahui,bila kalian telah di pasangi chip tersebut,berarti kalian sudah menjadi budak dari perbudakan di era digital.
catatan :
jangan berharap presiden kita mau mengganti uang kertas ke dinnar dan dirham wahai kaum muslimin,soalnya kita tahu sendiri,kalau presiden kita maupun presiden-presiden yang ada di dunia ini adalah bonekanya orang elit global
The current economic and political upheavals have had an impact on economic growth and development for a nation in every country in the world.
the use of paper money that we use as a medium of exchange, is actually a paper that has no value, so the more here, the value is decreasing. Previously there was no money of 100 thousand pieces, now there is money 100,000 notes.
and the higher the amount of money on a sheet the more the value of the money decreases.
as long as you know, O people in the world, this is a plan of the global elite to impoverish the middle class people.
the term poor and miserable gets poorer and more miserable.
there is another goal of the global elite to eliminate the function of paper money, namely humans will be directed to the form of digital money. later we or every human being will be fitted with a chip in hand, the chip contains files, files and digital money that can be used practically by the these humans.
but you must know, if you have been installed with these chips, it means that you have become slaves to slavery in the digital age.
the goal of the global elite is only one, namely forming the new world order, by reducing some of the world's population.
how the beginning of a banknote used in a medium of exchange I do not know (because I was not born, hahaha), but clearly, for now and the future will be wiser and better understand if the use of banknotes is replaced with dinnar and dirham as a medium of exchange in the scope of the environment around us.
there must be cooperation between our neighbors in our respective neighborhoods. For example, in village A only uses dinnar and dirham as a means of exchange.
because the name of the recession is certain. For those of you who don't know what a recession is, you can learn here.
do not expect our president to change banknotes to dinnar and dirhams, O Muslims, because we know for ourselves, that our president and presidents in the world are puppets of the global elite.
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