Seorang istri yang tidak pernah sholat yang lima waktu,pasti tidak akan pernah menurut sama perintah suaminya.kenapa bisa demikian??
karena kita tahu,namanya sholat itu adalah perintah alloh swt,dan istri gak pernah melakukan sholat?itu sama artinya istri kita tidak pernah menuruti perintah alloh,tuhan semesta alam.
sama alloh saja berani gak nurut,apalagi sama kita suaminya.dan harus kalian ketahui wahai para kaum adam,jika istri kita tidak pernah sholat,maka besar kemungkinan iblis akan mudah menghasut dan merayu istri kita,agar selalu membantah setiap perintah kita sebagai suaminya.
dan iblis akan membuat istri kita selalu membuat atau memulai pertengkaran.dan harus kalian ketahui wahai manusia,jika istri tidak mau nurut sama perintah kita suaminya,maka dia akan bertindak dan bertingkah semaunya.
misalkan jika kita melarang istri kita,jangan dulu beli hp baru,kan hp yang lama juga masih bagus dan bisa di pakai,niat kita kan bagus,namun istri kita pasti membantah perintah kita,dia malah beli hp lagi,alasannya uang dia sendiri ini,
tapi giliran dia kena musibah saja,pasti nyalahinnya sama kita suaminya.padahal kan dari awal juga jangan pernah beli hp baru,tapi dia malah gak nurutin omongan kita suaminya.
begitulah seorang istri,jika giliran ada masalah atau musibah aja baru nyalahin kita suaminya,dia bilang buat apa punya suami,kita balikin aja buat apa punya istri tapi gak nurut omongan suaminya.
jadi buat kalian yang masih nyari calon istri,peupeujeuh,jangan lihat dari muka cantiknya,juga jangan lihat dari bodynya yang super duper biola widiiiihhh....
namun yang harus kalian lihat adalah nurut gak dia sama perintah kedua orang tuanya,juga dari segi sholatnya rajin apa gak?
karena keduanya sangat berpengaruh besar terhadap keharmonisan kalian nanti bila telah berumah tangga.utamanya yang rajin sholat lima waktu...!
jika istri tidak taat perintah suami,maka suami pun akan cuek terhadap istrinya juga keprluannya,jika sudah demikian maka lambat laun maka akan menjadi keluarga yang hancur berantakan,ibarat kapal atau perahu,maka nahkodanya ada dua.....
jika rumah tangga hancur berantakan,maka negara pun akan kacau...karena rumah tangga atau keluarga adalah bagian terkecil dari sebuah negara.
A wife who has never prayed five times a day, certainly will never obey the same command of her husband. Why is that ??
because we know, the name of the prayer is the command of Allah Almighty, and the wife never prays? That is the same as our wife has never obeyed Allah, the Lord of Hosts.
the same God only dare not obey, let alone our husbands. And you should know, O Adam, if our wives never pray, then it is very possible that the devil will easily incite and seduce our wives, to always deny our every command as her husband.
and the devil will make our wives always make or start a fight. And you have to know O people, if the wife does not want to obey our husband's orders, then he will act and act as he pleases.
For example, if we forbid our wife, don't buy a new cellphone, the old cellphone is still good and can be used, our intentions are good, but our wife certainly refutes our orders, she even buys another cellphone, the reason is her own money,
but it was her turn to be hit with disaster, surely we blame her husband. In fact, right from the start, we should never buy a new cellphone, but instead he did not obey our husband's talk.
that's a wife, if it's a turn or a problem, just blame us, her husband, he says why should we have a husband, we just give back to what we have a wife but don't say what her husband says.
so for those of you who are still looking for a future wife, peupeujeuh, don't look at her beautiful face, also don't look at her super duper violin body widiiiihhh ....
but all you have to see is that according to him is not the same as the command of his parents, also in terms of prayer diligent or not?
because both are very big influence on your harmony later when you have married. especially those who diligently pray five times ...!
if the wife does not obey the husband's command, then the husband will ignore the wife as well as the necessity, if it is so it will gradually become a broken family, like a boat or boat, then there are two masters ...
if the household falls apart, the country will be chaotic ... because the household or family is the smallest part of a country.
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