Wahai rakyat indonesia,
kita di beritahukan tentang data-data dari dinas tentang orang-orang yang terjangkit dan orang-orang yang sembuh.
seharusnya kita orang awam harus lebih teliti lagi,dari mana data yang di ambil oleh yang mengatas namakan dinas tersebut,
bisa aja kan orang terkena batuk atau terkena flu biasa di masukin datanya masuk kedalam korban virus corona.
hahahaahaha...karena saking di booming-boomingkannya nyampe orang bersin pun di sebut terkena virus corona..ya ampyuuuunnn daah .....hahaha..
dasar orang-orang indonesia kaya saya ini memang pada bodoh semua,sudah bodoh mudah di bodoh-bodohi tambah nurut aja apa kata pemerintah,udah jelas pemerintah kita itu bekerja menuruti "SISTEM".
jadi mau gak mau suka gak suka,pemerintah kita itu harus turutin apa kemauan sistem.
dan pemerintah kita sendiri ada di bawah kendali sistem itu.
sedang kita rakyat,harus tunduk dan patuh terhadap pemerintah yang tunduk terhadap sistem.
jadi istilahnya yang kuat menjajah yang lemah dan yang lemah hanya bisa pasrah.
jadi sampai kapan kalian sadar wahai rakyat indonesia,wahai para pemuda bangsa..!!
gunakan logika kalian,pemerintah menyarankan harus memakai masker,sedang di jalanan kita sering menemukan orang yang pakai masker dan orang-orang yang gak pakai masker.
bandingkan oleh kalian,yang pakai masker masih bisa hidup dan jalan-jalan,yang gak pakai masker juga sama masih hidup dan bisa jalan-jalan,terus apa bedanya???
mestinya kalau yang gak pakai masker tiba-tiba "gubraaakk" jatuh dan meninggal di tempat,nah itu baru bener ada virus.
lah ini yang pake masker bisa jalan-jalan,yang gak pake masker juga sama masih bisa jalan-jalan,
pake logika kalian....!!
jangan kalian punya otak gak pernah di pake buat mikir...
jadi media tv itu semuanya itu pendusta dan penyebar ketakutan dan berita bohong yang di buat-buat oleh mereka sendiri.
jadi sadarlah.....virus corona itu tidak ada,ini videonya
in english :
O people of Indonesia,
The last few months, the news in our national TV media has continued to preach the corona virus problem.
Are they lacking ideas or are they looking for news? Or news about the Corona virus is just a diversion of the issue ...
because what is reported in the national tv media only concerns the corona virus, infected victims and recovered victims.
we are told about data from the department about people who have been infected and those who are recovering.
we lay people should be more careful again, from where the data taken by those in the name of the department,
people can cough or have the common cold, enter the data into the corona virus victims.
hahahaahaha ... because it was so booming that people even sneezed were said to have been affected by the corona virus ... yes ampyuuuunnn bye ..... hahaha ..
the basis of my rich indonesian people is indeed at all stupid, it is already foolish easy to be fooled to add to what the government says, it's clear that our government works according to "SYSTEM".
so whether we like it or not, our government must obey the will of the system.
and our own government is under the control of that system.
while we are the people, we must submit to the government and submit to the system.
so the term is strong invades the weak and the weak can only surrender.
so until when are you aware of the people of Indonesia, O young people of the nation .. !!
use your logic, the government suggests you have to wear a mask, while on the streets we often find people who wear masks and people who don't wear masks.
compare by you guys, those who wear masks can still live and walk, who don't wear masks and are still alive and can walk, so what's the difference ???
if a person who doesn't wear a mask suddenly "gubraaakk" falls and dies on the spot, well then there's a virus.
this one who wears a mask can walk, who doesn't use the same mask can still walk,
use your logic .... !!
don't you guys have brains never used to think ...
so the tv media are all liars and spreaders of fear and lies made up by themselves.
so wake up .....
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