💁💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂💂
Wahai rakyat indonesia,dalam kondisi seperti ini,sungguh sangat jelas teramat terlihat oleh mata kita sendiri,bahwa pemerintah kita bertujuan menyengsarakan hidup kita kaum menengah ke bawah.
di balik pemerintah mengintruksikan diam dirumah ,tujuan yang terlihat adalah untuk memutus penyebaran virus corona.
namun tujuan aslinya adalah untuk mempersulit ekonomi kita rakyat kecil menengah kebawah.
kalau kalian pikir sendiri,namanya virus itu mau kita di rumah,atau mau kita di luar rumah,itu bisa saja hinggap di tubuh kita.pakai logika atuh braayyy....
diem di rumah tetep aja kalau virus itu terbang terbawa angin dan masuk ke rumah kita,tetap aja kita bakalan terkena virus corona.
jadi mau di rumah atau di luar rumah kalau sudah takdirnya kita terkena virus mah pasti bakalan kena virus.
sama aja kaya orang yang suka merokok,kan sudah di bilangin bahkan di tulis di bungkus rokoknya bahwa merokok itu menyebabkan impotensi,serangan jantung,gangguan kehamilan dan janin...tapi masih aja rokok itu laku di pasaran..Bahkan di pake gambar lagi.
kalian pernah nanya tidak kepada orang yang suka merokok?bang napa lu suka merokok kan merokok itu berbahaya bagi kesehatan bang?
paling dia jawab,mau ngerokok ke mau gak ngerokok ke kalau udah waktunya mati mah tetep aja mati.
naaaaahhh lohhhhh...
sama aja dengan virus corona ini,kalau sudah takdirnya kita terkena virus corona,pasti kena,biarpun kita ngumpet dirumah.
jadi sekali lagi ,ini adalah masalah keyakinan kita saja.jika kita yakin gak kena,pasti virus itu gak bakalan masuk ke tubuh kita,namun jika kita ragu-ragu,alias setengah-setengah,itu berarti virus tersebut ada kemungkinan bisa menjangkiti kita.
balik lagi ke topik pembahasan..
jadi untuk melawan pemerintah kita yang suka menyengsarakan kita rakyat kecil,adalah dengan tidak membayar pajak kepada negara...!!
bilangin orang buat makan sehari-hari aja masih rada susah...karena intruksi kalian pemerintah!
jadi jangan mau buat bayar pajak!!!
biar nyaho tuh pemerintah pusat gimana rasanya hidup susah dan menderita kaya yang selama ini kita(rasain).
O people of Indonesia, in conditions like this, it is very clearly very visible to our own eyes, that our government aims to misery our lives of the middle to lower classes.
behind the government instructing silence at home, the visible aim is to cut the spread of the corona virus.
but the original goal is to complicate our economy small and medium people down.
if you think about it yourself, the name is that we want the virus at home, or we want it outside the house, it could have alighted on our bodies. use logic or braayyy ....
just stay put at home if the virus flies in the wind and enters our house, we'll still get corona virus.
so if you want to be at home or outside the house if you have a destiny, you will get the virus, it will definitely get the virus.
it's the same as someone who likes smoking, it's already been said and even written on the cigarette pack that smoking causes impotence, heart attacks, pregnancy and fetal disorders ... but still the cigarettes sell well ..
have you ever asked no to people who like to smoke? Why do you like to smoke? Is smoking dangerous to your health?
most he answered, want to smoke to do not want to smoke when it's time to die but still die.
naaaaahhh lohhhhh ...
just the same with this corona virus, if it was fate we were exposed to the corona virus, it would hit, even if we hide at home.
so once again, this is just a matter of our beliefs. If we believe it is not hit, surely the virus will not enter our body, but if we are in doubt, aka half measures, it means that the virus is likely to infect us.
back again to the topic of discussion ..
so to fight our government which is miserable for us little people, is not to pay taxes to the state ... !!
telling people to eat everyday is still rather difficult ... because of your instructions from the government!
so don't want to pay taxes !!!
let the central government nyaho how it feels to live a difficult life and suffer the rich that we have been (FEEL).
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