,nenek moyang mereka orang orang China ini dulunya adalah pembantu di negeri kita.
Apa ini yang disebut keadilan?apa ini yang di katakan cinta kepada rakyat nya sendiri?
Ternyata pemerintah kita hanya cinta kepada tka China daripada rakyatnya sendiri,itu fakta...!!
Wahai rakyat teruslah saling bantu membantu terhadap sesama kita di lingkungan kita sendiri.
karena hanya dengan kita saling membantu kepada sesama kita sajalah yang akan membuat para komunis China merasa kepanasan kedinginan melihat kebersamaan kita.
Ketika kita sadar akan saling bantu membantu kepada sesama kita,semakin komunis China yang berada di istana presiden terus memberlakukan kebijakan seperti yang ada sekarang,
Kita segalanya serba di batasi.dari mulai sosial distance,sampe kita mesti diam saja di rumah tanpa harus bersosial dengan tetangga kita.
Sadarkah kita bahwasannya ini semua adalah rencana rencana busuk PKI ,yang kejadian seperti ini pernah terjadi dulu waktu jaman gerombolan PKI ,kalian bisa bertanya kepada kolot kolot kita yang ngejamanin hidup jaman PKI.
Keadaan sekarang itu persis seperti waktu jaman PKI dulu.
Jadi PKI hari ini telah bangkit dari kubur mereka dengan menyusun rencana yang bisa di bilang lebih canggih dengan dukungan komunis China di Tiongkok.
Ini adalah penjajahan komunis terhadap kita rakyat pribumi.hari ini kita harus sadari kita sedang di perangi oleh PKI .
Mereka PKI telah berhasil menguasai istana negara republik ini.
Saatnya kita harus saling bantu membantu kepada sesama kita,saling menyadarkan dan mengingatkan jika PKI telah bangkit dari kubur mereka.
Saatnya kita mulai bersatu melupakan perbedaan dari suku mana kita berasal,agama mana,demi satu tujuan kita merebut kembali istana negara yang sudah di kuasai PKI.
Kita ambil alih kembali kendali atas negara ini kepangkuan pribumi lagi
Mari bangkit,berjuang,melawan pemerintah dan media tv nasional..
In English :
The old Indonesia belonged to Chinese communists, who infiltrated our country's national governance.
These communists have controlled our country for a long time.
Many of these Chinese communists grew up spreading around the state palace.
So we, the people, are always made difficult and suffer. By utilizing the elected president from the results of the 2019 fraud,
They Chinese always spread a sense of individualism to indigenous people through television shows.
The goal is for Indonesia to be easily controlled because its people only think about themselves.
They know if local or indigenous people are aware of togetherness and help one another,
Then the worst possibility is that the cukong cukong cannot control Indonesia.
Because they also know the law of cause and effect that has been taught for generations by their ancestors who have long lived in our country.
As long as you know, O people,
, their ancestors of the Chinese people used to be servants in our country.
Because life is Allah's turn, so today we are the natives who are also Chinese assistants and assistants.
Back again to the topic, so our president who leads this country is actually just a puppet that is being played by the puppeteer.
By using this president, they are easier to divide the unity of this country, because we know our president is also an Indonesian who was born in Java.
So the way that China is doing today is almost the same as the Dutch colonists used to do to our ancestors.
With this system of pitting against our fellow nations, they are more free to tear up our country.
So realize, O people of Indonesia, can you have leaders who are easily controlled by our enemies?
Think using your logic, our president is the number one person in this country they make their puppets or slaves, especially we are only the people.
More or less not considered human. What are you still proud to have a president who usually makes promises and makes it difficult for us people.
Little by little our islands are sold cheaply by our president to the Chinese people.
Natives want to go out of the city banned and even told to go back again, while China is free and free to enter. The government is silent, the media is silent, the police are silent.
Is this what is called justice? Is this what love is said to its own people?
It turns out that our government only loves China rather than its own people, that's a fact ... !!
Eventually we people will become slaves in our own country.
Come on rise up O young people of this nation, we are against the government which is the puppet of the narrow eye with what we are able to fight it.
O people continue to help each other help our neighbors in our own environment.
We are taking back control of this country of indigenous peoples again
Let's rise, fight, fight the government and national tv media ..
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