PKI juga telah menguasai istana negara berikut orang orang yang ada di istana negara.
PKI Sudah sangat jelas mau merusak tatanan negara kita dengan menjadikan orang orang yang mudah di bayar menjadi tangan kanan pki di pemerintahan negeri ini.
Itu kenapa luhut binsar panjaitan di jadikan mentri kemaritiman...
Sedang untuk melawan para ulama dan ustadz ustadz yang paham dan fasih ilmu agama
Pki telah menjadika siapa tuh yang suka pake sorban ??
O iya ali ngabalin,dari namanya juga udah keliatan...
Dialah orang suruhan pki untuk melawan para ustadz dan ulama ulama yang selalu mengkritik pemerintah...
Jadi jika pemerintah jokowi dikritik oleh ulama,ali ngabalin ini lah yang jadi lawan ulama dalam membela habis habisan pemerintah.
Karena ali ngabalin ini orang yang tahu ilmu agama,hadits nabi dan ayat al quran,namun pengetahuannya tersebut untuk memerangi para ulama yang suka mengkritik pemerintah.
Karena ali ngabalin adalah seorang yang paham ilmu agama namun menjadi tangan kanan orang orang china dan pemerintah saat ini.
Jadi memang semuanya sudah di persiapkan oleh orang orang china tersebut untuk bisa menguasai negara kita dan mengusir dan
menyengsarakan kita rakyat pribumi dengan memakai pemerintah kita yang dapat mereka kendalikan.
Seperti pak jokowi yang menjadi presiden republik indonesia.
Coba kalian perhatikan presiden jokowi,bagusnya apa coba?
Hutang makin banyak ke tiongkok,hutang di pakai bukan buat kesejahteraan rakyatnya eh malah di bikin buat bangun infrastruktur,
Manfaatnya buat kita rakyat apa coba?
Kita lewat tol yang di bangun presiden jokowi juga mahalnya pake ampun..
Jadi buat apa coba bangun infrastruktur pake duit ngutang?
Mau di bilang pakde hebat yah...
Gak ngaruh buat kita rakyat mah pak jokowi..
Kita rakyat hanya menginginkan harga beras murah biar kita bisa beli dan gak terlalu mahal.
Udah itu yang kita inginkan.kita gak kepikiran masalah jalan tol,rang kita rakyat kecil mah mobil juga kagak punya,ada motor juga masih belum lunas nyicil nya.
Jadi buat apa coba?
Belum di tambah kebijakan yang menyuruh kita untuk stay at home,sedang 500 tka china masuk ke negara kita di saat kita rakyatnya di suruh diam di rumah saja.
Apa coba maksudnya???inikah yanh dinamakan adil?kita rakyat di suruh stay at home,rakyat china dari tiongkok bisa masuk ke negara kita tanpa pengecekan petugas...
Aparat polisi diam,media tv bungkam,presiden kita hanya buat pencitraan.
Mau di bawa kemana negara ini dan rakyatnya wahai boss ku...???
Sudah ekonomi susah,phk besar besaran bagi buruh lokal,sedang 500 tka china datang untuk bekerja dan bisa masuk ke perusahaan..
Gaji buruh lokal 2 juta atau 3 juta per bulan,sedang gaji orang china 5 sampai 9 juta perbulan istilah nya 2 kali lipat gaji pribumi...
Apakah ini yang di sebut dalam sila ke lima pancasila?keadilan bagi seluruh rakyat tanpa kecuali...
Ada orang menulis surat terbuka,untuk menyuruh bapak jokowi mudur dari jabatan bapak ettt daahhh malah di tangkap dan di kasih hukuman..
Anda itu sudah tidak di percaya rakyat,kenapa anda meni bedegong pak jokowi....???
Apa anda takut sama orang orang china di belakang anda yang selalu menekan anda atau mengancam anda dan keluarga anda??
Jika sampai anda turun atau mengundurkan diri dari jabatan presiden R.I??
Ayo rakyat indonesia ini adalah masa depan kita semua,pilihannya ada dua kita yang mati di tekan pemerintah saat ini,
Atau pemerintah yang takluk sama kita rakyat...karena jika kita rakyat semua bersatu maka pemerintah dzolim ini akan tumbang...
Bangunlah rakyat indonesia,sadarlah dan bangkitlah demi masa depan kita dan anak cucu kita kedepannya....
Lawan pemerintah jokowi beserta antek antek china dan para penghianat negeri ini,luhut binsar panjaitan dan ali ngabalin...
Ayo mari bersama sama kita lengserkan jokowi !!!
In english :
💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
The PKI also controlled the state palace and the people in the state palace.
PKI It is very clear that we want to damage the fabric of our country by making people who are easily paid to be the right-hand people in the country's government.
Pki has paid and made Luhut Binsar Panjaitan a rich man who has a lot of companies and everywhere.
On the condition that Luhut Binsar Panjaitan wants to be the right hand of PKI and Chinese people in the government to facilitate all Chinese affairs in our country.
Just look, so defending the ruhut binsar Panjaitan against Chinese people. When China can enter the airport, who gives permission?
Of course, airport security officers, why can airport officials give permission for the Chinese tka when Indonesia is in the midst of a corona outbreak and is in the PSBB period?
Because the airport officers have been paid dearly or the language of my friend is bribed by Panjaitan to let the Chinese people enter our country.
That's why Luhut Binsar Panjaitan was made the Minister of Maritime Affairs ...
As for fighting the scholars and religious teachers who understand and are well versed in religious knowledge
Do you have anyone who likes to use a turban ??
Oh yeah, ali ngabalin, from the name it also looks ...
He was the pki's men to fight the clerics and clerics who always criticized the government ...
So if the Jokowi government is criticized by the ulema, it is al-Ngabalin who is the opponent of the ulama in defending the government.
Because ali Ngabalin is a person who knows the science of religion, hadith of the prophet and the verses of the Qur'an, but his knowledge is to fight the scholars who like to criticize the government.
Because Ali Ngabalin is a person who understands the science of religion but is the right hand of Chinese people and the current government.
So indeed everything has been prepared by the Chinese people to be able to control our country and expel and
miserable us indigenous people by using our government which they can control.
Like Pak Jokowi who became president of the Republic of Indonesia.
Try to pay attention to President Jokowi, what good is it try?
More and more debt to China, the debt is used not for the welfare of its people eh instead it is made to build infrastructure,
What's the benefit for us, people?
We passed the toll road that President Jokowi built, also the expensive use of mercy ...
So why are you trying to build infrastructure using debt?
Want to say the pakde is great ...
It doesn't affect us the people, Pak Jokowi ...
We people only want cheap rice prices so we can buy and not be too expensive.
That's what we want. We don't think about the toll road problem, we, the people who are small, don't even have cars, there are motorcycles that don't pay in installments yet.
So what for?
Not yet added a policy that forbids us to stay at home, while 500 Chinese enter our country when we are told to stay silent at home.
What do you mean by that, is this called fair? We, the people are told to stay at home, Chinese people from China can enter our country without checking officers ...
Police officers are silent, tv media is silent, our president is only for imaging.
Where do you want to take this country and its people O my boss ... ???
It is already a difficult economy, a large amount of layoffs for local workers, while 500 Chinese come to work and can enter the company ..
Local workers' salaries are 2 million or 3 million per month, while Chinese salaries are 5 to 9 million per month, the terms are twice the native salary ...
Is this what is mentioned in the fifth precepts of Pancasila? Justice for all people without exception ...
There are people writing open letters, to order the father Jokowi to get out of the position of the father ettt Daahhh even arrested and sentenced ..
You have no confidence in the people, why do you win the bedegong, Pak Jokowi ... ???
Are you afraid of the Chinese people behind you who are always pressuring you or threatening you and your family ??
If you come down or resign from the position of president R.I ??
Come on, the people of Indonesia are the future of all of us, there are two choices for us to die under the pressure of the current government,
Or a government that is conquered by us people ... because if we all people unite then this dzolim government will collapse ...
Build the people of Indonesia, wake up and rise for the future of us and our children and grandchildren in the future ...
Opposite the jokowi government along with the Chinese minions and traitors of this country, luhut binsar panjaitan and ali ngabalin ...
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