Mereka datang ke negara kita dengan memakai alasan membantu penanganan si covid.dengan berpakaian APD lengkap.
Kalau benar niat membantu,kenapa hanya orang China saja yang datang ke negara kita,kemana negara negara yang lain.
Sekali ini menjelaskan,mereka datang bertujuan untuk bekerja di negara kita namun media menutup nutupi kebenaran ini dengan memakai alasan yang lain.
Inget segala bentuk kebohongan,nantinya Alloh akan bongkar semua,dan kebenaran pasti akan menang..
Itu hanya penipuan mereka saja.agar bisa masuk ke negara kita tanpa ada pemberitaan apa apa tentang mereka .
Inget wahai manusia,hanya orang China lah yang berani melakukan apa saja untuk memuluskan rencana rencana jahat,
Karena orang orang China itu licik dan halus.jangan terlalu percaya sama orang China.
Mereka orang China itu gak beda jauh sama orang Yahudi,orang orang di luar bangsa mereka adalah budak.
Balik lagi ke pembahasan...
Bukankah mereka juga dari China itu juga membawa virus baru ke negara kita?!!
Lihat lah wahai rakyat...kemana media tv nasiona?apa ada yang menyiarkan berita ini?
Ayo rakyat...jika pengen mudik tinggal mudik saja,gak usah dengerin pemerintah dan media mau ngomong apa aja terserah...
Emang gua pikirin....
Yang mudik gua ini,duitnya duit gua ini,kenap lu yang repot....
Fuck you media tv nasional...!!
Penjilat,penyebar dusta dan berita hoax yang sebenar benarnya.
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O people, if you want to be able to go home, even though our government is dying Matian prevents us from going home ..
In my opinion, if you really want to go back to your village.
You can go home by bicycle, you don't need to go by car or motorcycle, you will definitely be hit by the PSBB raid and we will definitely be told to go back again
Tired, instead of just going home with a bicycle,
If you are not rich, this father, who goes back and forth from Jakarta to solo is just walking.
Not that there is no money, but because so I can go home even though there are a lot of messages.
So if you want to go back and forth, you just stay home, you don't have to listen to the news of the national TV media, which forbids us from going home.
How could I not, when the Chinese people came to our country were not told to return to China anymore.
They came to our country using the excuse of helping with the covid's handling.
It was just their deception. In order to enter our country without any news about them.
Remember, O man, only the Chinese dare to do anything to smooth out the evil plans,
Because Chinese people are cunning and delicate. Don't trust Chinese too much.
They Chinese are not much different from Jews, people outside their nation are slaves.
Back to the discussion ...
Are not they also from China that also brought a new virus to our country? !!
Look at the people ... where is the national television media? Is there anyone who broadcasts this news?
And the media is silent about this. But we want to just going home going to block the barrier.
Reasons to prevent covid transmission.
The reason doesn't make sense.
Come on people ... if you want to go back and forth, just stay back and forth, you don't have to listen to the government and the media want to say whatever it's up ...
I do not care....
The one who is going home, this money from me, why do you bother ...
Fuck you national tv media ... !!
Lickers, spreaders of lies and true hoax news.
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