Sedangkan 500 tka masuk dan datang ke Indonesia ke Sulawesi,Niat bekerja,tidak di denda,media tv nasional jarang membahas isu ini,pemerintah diam seribu bahasa,polisi dan aparat terdiam kaku,
Produk sayuran dari Tiongkok membanjiri pasar Indonesia,
Apakah ini yang di sebut dengan keadilan bagi seluruh rakyat?!!
Fuck you Ruhut bin Panjaitan...!!!
Anda adalah biang kesengsaraan rakyat,anda lahir di Indonesia,namun anda berdarah pki.
Jika anda bukanlah keturunan PKI berarti andalah tangan kanan PKI di Indonesia.
Ayo para mahasiswa kita bikin hastag
#fuckyouluhutbinpanjaitan di media sosial kita masing masing.
Sebagi aksi kebencian kita kepada manusia laknat satu ini.
Dialah biang kesengsaraan kita rakyat.demi Alloh dan atas nama Alloh yang maha keras lagi maha bijaksana,kita genderangkan perlawanan sebisa kita dan sekemampuan kita. Kepada PKI juga antek anteknya yang ada di lingkungan istana negara.
In English :
O people of Indonesia, it turns out that behind all our suffering today,
By implementing the PSBB in each region and city, the people's economy is increasingly cornered and screamed.
How can we know that the PKI had risen from its grave and started to enter the state palace.
From the start of the legislative body and the executive branch of government they have entered and become part of the current government order.
Today's PKI has mastered all important elements in our country's government.
From the police security sector, they have been controlled and controlled by the Satpol PP to pressure the small people.
We can now see on social media media, and not national TV media, because national TV media is their tool in brainwashing and thinking our people.
While social media is truly from the people, the government cannot control the movement of social media such as national TV media which they are easy to control and control.
Have you ever seen it on YouTube or been told before Corona virus news?
Namely the news that our country has become a developed country,
Then after a while, the news was no longer booming and quickly replaced with Corona virus news,
By reason of the Corona virus that was sweeping the world, the news was used by PKI people in the palace and in the government to corner the people's economy.
The small people's economy was paralyzed, they were PKI like those who did not like it if our economy developed.
So Corona made the news whose original purpose was to suppress the people's economy so that it would at least run slowly.
This is what is happening right now, by saying that it prevents the spread of the Corona virus, but in the real world what we find, are many of our people affected by the corona virus, do we have a lot of people affected by the Corona virus in our environment?
There is no right, that is the news of people affected by the Corona virus, both those recovered and those who died were only on TV.
Since the national TV media is a sycophant and prefers to spread hoax news, why do so many high-ranking state officials and ulama clerics confirm this Corona virus?
Because state officials and clerics who confirmed the Corona virus had been bribed by PKI behind the scenes.
In our environment we never find people who died because of the covid,
There are also many people complaining, looking for money is getting more difficult, many roads have been closed because of the implementation of the PSBB.
There is no other choice for us but for our fellow people to work together, help each other, make one another aware and remind one another that the PKI has risen from its grave.
Look at you guys, you can't even go out of town, you can't go home, you can't get caught, you want to go home and get arrested and be fined,
Whereas 500 people entered and came to Indonesia to Sulawesi, their intention to work, not being fined, the national TV media rarely discussed this issue, the government was speechless, the police and officials were stiff,
Is this what we call justice for all the people? !!
Fuck you Ruhut bin Panjaitan ... !!!
You are the source of people's misery, you were born in Indonesia, but you are bloody pki.
If you are not a PKI descendant then you are the right hand of the PKI in Indonesia.
Come on, our students are making hashtags
#fuckyouluhutbinpanjaitan on each of our social media.
As an act of our hatred of this one curse human.
He is the source of our misery for the people. For the sake of Allah and in the name of Allah, the almighty, the most wise, the wise, we shall fight as much as we can and as much as we can. The PKI also had their lackeys in the state palace.
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