Wahai manusia,pernahkah kalian medengar istilah depopulation people in the world?
atau bahasa yang mudah di pahaminya adalah mengurangi jumlah populasi manusia di seluruh dunia.klik disini untuk nonton videonya
harus kalian ketahui wahai manusia,bahwasannya berita yang sedang booming tentang virus corona itu adalah berita bohong yang di sebarkan oleh media televisi nasional dengan bekerjasama pemerintah nasional di seluruh dunia.
tujuan dari di sebarkan berita virus corona ini adalah untuk menyebarkan virus ketakutan kepada masyarakat.
tujuan sebenarnya dari di beritakan virus corona adalah agar program depopulation yag di prakarsai oleh pemilik microsoft siapa lagi kalau bukan bill gates.
karena akan lebih mudah meyakinkan masyarakat untuk mau di suntik vaksin,jika berita tentang virus terus menerus di gembar-gemborkan media tv nasional.
nantinya manusia akan di beri vaksin anti virus,bilangnya begitu,namun harus kalian ketahui jika kalian sudah di suntik vaksin tersebut,itu berarti kalian sudah menjadi budak yang mudah di kontrol oleh elit global.
vaksin tersebut sejatinya bukanlah vaksin obat,melainkan microchip yang di tanam kedalam tubuh kalian wahai manusia.
nantinya microsoft akan bekerja sama lagi dengan pemerintah kita agar warganya mau di suntik vaksin ini,biasa media juga ikut meggembar gemborkan agar warga mau di suntik vaksin.
dengan mengatakan kebohongan di suntik vaksin ini agar kita terhindar virus corona,padahal agar microchip buatan billgates bisa masuk kedalam tubuh kita.
nantinya segala tindak tanduk kita,dan segala aktivitas kita bisa di kontrol oleh elit global,jika mereka tidak menyukai kita mereka bisa langsung membunuh kita dari jarak jauh,lewat microchip yang sudah di tanam di tubuh kita.
dan masuklah kita ke dalam zona perbudakan global.jadi berhati-hatilah wahai rakyat isu setelah virus corona ini,karena setelah virus corona ini,akan datang vaksin dan microchip dan tentang vaksin itulah yang sebenar-benarnya berita.karena itu adalah rencana elit global yang di prakarsai bill gates.
banyak media-media yang coba cek fakta tentang microchip billgates,ini.ya jelaslah jika kalian nanya langsung ke mr.billgates dia gak bakalan mengakui,itu sama saja kalian nanya ke maling,kamu maling ya??paling jawabannya saya bukan maling ko...
mana ada sih maling yang mau ngaku,begitu juga si billgates ini,logika aja kalian pake,billgates ini kan yang punya microsoft,masa iya seorang billgates bisa bikin vaksin?bukannya yang patutnya bikin vaksin itu adalah seseorang yang ahlinya di bidang virus..
masa ini seorang billgates yang ahli di bidang perangkat lunak tiba-tiba bisa membuat vaksin ?
bisa aja sih namun vaksin tersebut tentunya bukan sembarang vaksin,vaksin tersebut tentunya telah di pasangi microchip oleh billgates,secara billgates kan ahli di bidang perangkat lunak.
pakai logika kalian...!!
catatan :
jangan kalian dengarkan berita dan apa yang kata media tv nasional,mereka itu penjilat semua,mereka akan mendukung siapa-siapa yang berani bayar mahal tv berani menyebarkan berita palsu atau hoax karena mereka sudah di bayar.
itu fakta..!!!
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O people, have you ever heard the term depopulation people in the world?
or language that is easy to understand is to reduce the number of human populations around the world. Click here to watch the video
you should know, people, that the news that is booming about the corona virus is a hoax that is spread by national television media in collaboration with national governments around the world.
the purpose of this corona virus news spread is to spread the fear virus to the public.
the real purpose of the corona virus is to make the depopulation program initiated by Microsoft owners who else if not bill gates.
because it will be easier to convince the public to be injected with the vaccine, if news about the virus continues to be touted by national tv media.
later humans will be given an anti-virus vaccine, say so, but you should know if you've injected the vaccine, it means you have become slaves that are easily controlled by the global elite.
the vaccine is actually not a drug vaccine, but a microchip that is implanted into your body, humans.
Microsoft will later work together with our government so that its citizens want to be injected with this vaccine. Usually the media also heralded the report so that residents would be injected with the vaccine.
by telling lies in injecting this vaccine so that we avoid the corona virus, even though the microchip made by billgates can enter our bodies.
later all our actions, and all our activities can be controlled by the global elite, if they do not like us they can immediately kill us from a distance, through microchips that have been planted in our bodies.
and enter us into the global slavery zone. so be careful, o people of the issue after this corona virus, because after this corona virus, vaccines and microchips will come and the vaccine is really the news. because that is the global elite plan in initiated bill gates.
a lot of media try to check the facts about microchip billgates, it's clear. if you ask directly to mr.billgates he won't admit, it's the same as you asking a thief, you're a thief ?? at best my answer is not a thief .. .
where is there a thief who wants to admit, so does this billgates, just use your logic, this billgates is the one who has microsoft, so yes a billgates can make a vaccine? instead of making a vaccine it is someone who is an expert in the field of viruses ..
At this time a billgates who are experts in the field of software can suddenly make a vaccine?
it could be anyway but the vaccine is certainly not just any vaccine, the vaccine must have been fitted with microchips by billgates, billgates are experts in the software field.
use your logic ... !!
don't listen to the news and what the national tv media says, they are all sycophants, they will support anyone who dares to pay dearly for media. tv media dares to spread fake news or hoaxes because they are already paid.
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