💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂
Namun mereka sendiri melanggar aturan yang mereka buat,kalian masih inget waktu konser bpip.
Mereka tidak memakai masker,mereka berkerumun,padahal waktu itu masih berlaku psbb..
Apa hukum dan aturan yang berlaku hanya berlaku untuk kita saja rakyat kecil,sedang pemerintah tidak?!
Mereka bilang untuk memutus mata rantai virus corona,kita diharuskan diam dirumah,bekerja dirumah,dan beribadah di rumah.
Kalau hanya nyuruh mah gampang bosku...tapi emang diam dirumah saja kami bisa makan?tetap saja kami kudu usaha bosku..
Kalau misalkan kalian pemerintah menyuruh kami untuk diam dirumah,dan kalian memberi kami uang buat kami makan mah kami mau nurut buat diam di rumah,tapi jika tidak ngasih apa apa ke kami,buat apa?!!
Memangnya kami tidak butuh makan dan anak anak kami tidak minta jajan?!!
Kalian itu bilang terus menerus diam dirumah,tapi tka china banyak yang datang ke negara kita,kalian bilang diam saja dirumah,tapi kalian tidak menjamin apa apa buat kami.
Hanya janji doang besar...kenyataannya nol.
Lihat saja akibat lockdown atau psbb yang terjadi di masyarakat,kenyataannya pengangguran lebih banyak,orang cari kerja susah,orang yang sudah kerja di phk.
Sementara orang yang terkena corona gak ada,dilingkungan kita.kalaupun ada di tv,itu mah sandiwara mereka.
Buat bikin hoax dan menciptakan ketakutan di masyarakat,lalu mereka mengambil untung dari ketakutan masyarakat.
Jadi sadarlah wahai rakyat indonesia maupun rakyat dunia,virus corona itu berita palsu untuk menakut nakuti kalian semua.dan memutus mata rantai perekonomian kalian semua.
O people, do you know that medical staff, as well as doctors who claim that someone affected by covid 19 is acting, aka just acting.
In order to ensure that as if the corona virus really exists in our country, they play their plays, because they have been paid. They say to break the chain of virus spreading, we are required to stay at home, whether it's studying, working and worshiping.
But they themselves violated the rules they made, you still remember the bpip concert time.
They didn't wear masks, they swarmed, even though at that time it was still in effect.
Are the laws and rules that apply only to us, the people, and the government does not ?!
They say to break the chain of the corona virus, we must stay at home, work at home, and worship at home.
If I just tell my boss to be easy ... but can we just stay at home can we eat? Still, we have to try my boss's business ...
For example, if the government asks us to stay at home, and you give us money to eat, we want to obey to stay at home, but if you don't give us anything, why? !!
We don't need food and our children don't ask for snacks? !!
You say you keep quiet at home, but when China comes to our country, you say you stay at home, but you don't guarantee anything for us.
It's only a big promise ... reality is zero.
The main objective of the circulation of the corona virus news is to break the chains of our people's economy.
Global elites (through our government) do not like if we people live in prosperity and well-being. Because if we people live prosperously and prosperously, then there will be no more thieves,
If we prosper, then there will no longer be a form of bribery, if we people live prosperously then they will find it difficult to carry out their plans.
Therefore they are trying to suppress the rate of economic growth of our small people.
So that we small people continue to be at the bottom and become kekesed them.
That's what they want from the global elite.
So every way they plan to suppress the pace of the people's economy, one of them by spreading the news of this corona virus.
By spreading the news of the corona virus, by reason of breaking the chain of the spread of the corona virus, lockdown or regional language quarantine is done.
Just look at the consequences of lockdown or the PSBB that is happening in the community, the reality is that more unemployment, people looking for hard work, people who have worked in layoffs.
While people affected by corona do not exist, in our environment. Even if it's on TV, that's their play.
Make a hoax and create fear in the community, then they take advantage of the fear of the community.
So be aware, o people of Indonesia and the people of the world, the corona virus is fake news to frighten all of you. And break the chains of your economy all.
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