Jika kalian ingin merdeka dan terbebas dari penjajahan sistem,maka perjuangkanlah!!!
carilah dan galilah tentang kebenaran suatu opini atau kebijakan yang di keluarkan oleh pemerintah kita.
Seperti masalah virus corona,
Karena berita yang di sebarkan di tv sama di lingkungan kita berbeda jauh,dampak corona bukanlah banyak yang meninggal akibat corona,namun kesulitan ekonomilah yang terjadi di lingkungan kita.
Yang meninggal bisa saja karena serangan stroke namun media menayangkan dan menuliskan di line depan beritanya,meninggal akibat terserang virus corona.
Karena media,dan gara gara media lah perekonomian kita rakyat bisa maju dan terhenti!
Carilah dan galilah kebenaran atas berita virus corona ini.jika telah ketemu,sebarkanlah di medsos kalian biar seluruh manusia tahu...
Jangan kita hanya mau nurut nurut saja apa mau nya pemerintah kita.
Sedang kita tidak tahu apa tujuan sebenarnya pemerintah kita.
Yang harus kalian ketahui dan kalian pahami,rasakanlah oleh diri kalian sendiri,mana yang benar benar berdampak akibat virus corona ini,
Apa di lingkungan kita banyak yang meninggal karena terserang corona,atau banyak orang yang mengeluh susahnya cari duit,karena akibat adanya psbb yang di berlakukan pemerintah.
Resapilah.. keadaan lingkungan kalian..jangan mudah percaya apa yang di beritakan media tv nasional.
Kalian rasakan lagi,semakin kesini semakin banyak aturan aturan yang aneh dan bikin bingung kita ...
Kita di buat bingung dengan semua kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi sekarang sekarang ini.
Pokoknya mah simpel,semakin kita menuruti protokol kesehatan covid 19
Semakin susahlah keadaan kita,
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O people, the global elite have prepared all their plans carefully, to prepare the new world order.
The same tactics and the same methods they always use, whether they are seizing the wealth of the nation of people or deceiving everyone in the world just for the sake of personal or group desires are realized.
we are the losers and it is they who continue to benefit. systems are the tools they use to control us.
The system for us to obey and obey their commands even if we think is strange and confusing.
The existing system teaches us not to ask many questions about things or opinions made and governed by the government to regulate our people's lives.
If you want independence and freedom from the colonial system, then fight for it !!!
seek and explore the truth of an opinion or policy issued by our government.
Like the corona virus problem,
Because the news that is spread on the same TV in our environment is very different, the impact of corona is not that many die from corona, but economic difficulties that occur in our environment.
The deceased could have been due to a stroke but the media aired and wrote on the front line the news, died due to corona virus.
It is because of the media, and it is because of the media that our economy can move forward and stop the people!
Look for and explore the truth of the corona virus news. If you have found it, spread it on your social media so that all humans know ...
We don't just want to obey what our government wants.
While we do not know what the real purpose of our government is.
What you should know and understand, feel it by yourself, which is really affected by this corona virus,
What in our environment many died due to corona, or many people complained of the difficulty of earning money, because of the PSBB that was implemented by the government.
Feel it ...!
Get in the mood ... your environment ... don't easily believe what the national TV media reports on.
You feel again, the more here the more strange rules that make us confused ...
We are confused with all the events or events that are happening now.
Anyway simple, the more we obey covid health protocol 19
The more difficult our situation,
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