Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Saat bentrok dengan orang yang dagangannya sama dengan kita..

💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂


Wahai manusia,

Namanya kita manusia,kewajiban kita semua hanyalah berusaha,berikhtiar,masalah rejeki mah bukan urusan kita,allohlah yang mengatur setiap rejeki hamba hambanya.

Pernah gak perasaan kalian itu bawaanyya panas banget,kalo lihat ada orang yang dagang,dagangannya sama dengan kita.

Malah di sengajain lagi nyerempet nyerempet bae nangkringnya di depan atau di belakang atau di sebrang kita mangkal?

Hawa nya puanaaass banget bukan?apalagi kalo ngelihat saingan kita itu banyak yang belinya.

Beuki kaduruk we iyeu sirah teh beuhhh..

Tapi tenang bae,ademin we ku es,biar turun panasnya hahaha..

Jadi jika kita ketemu atau pabentrok dengan orang yang dagangannya sama dengan dagangan punya kita,

Berpikirlah positif...!

Berpikirlah ...oh rejeki sudah alloh atur ini,kita mah sesama pedagang,sama sama berikhtiar,sama sama berjuang mencari rupiah buat nafkahin keluarga.

Dia punya keluarga,saya juga punya keluarga,jadi sama sama cari rejekinya alloh,lewat jalan usaha,

Daripada gak usaha sama sekali,alias pangedulan.atau jadi pengacara(pengangguran loba acara).

Gapapa kita berdempetan dagangnya,ngedagangin barang yang sama,

Kita ngobrol sama saingan kita,kita bersaing secara netral okey,

Jadi terserah yang mau belinya saja kemana,ke kamu atau ke saya,

Karena pembeli adalah raja,bebas memilih.

Jika belinya ke saya itu berarti itu rejeki saya,tapi jika belinya sama kamu,itu berarti itu rejekinya kamu.

Simpel kan??gitu aja mikir mah,daripada kita terbawa hasutan syetan yang terus aja ngomporin hati kita,

Terus aja manas manasin hati kita,mendingan ucapin astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh...

Jadi ingatlah,syetan juga punya rejeki,cuman dapat rejekinya jika kita sesama manusia  saling bertikai.

Rejekinya iblis dan keturunannya itu lewat adu domba kita sesama manusia.

Sekarang gini aja banyakin we ucapin astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh sebanyak banyaknya...

Biar iblis dan keturunannya saja yang saling baku hantam,desyu..desyu...buk..bekk...bukk ...bekk...(keur parasea cenah)

Berebut rejekinya.kita mah manusia,jangan ikutin cara iblis,karena dunia ini kan adalah tempat tinggal kita,sedangkan iblis dan keturunannya

Tempat kembalinya adalah di neraka.
Kita tahu bukan jika kita orang perantauan,kalau mau pulang kampung,

Suka siap siapin perbekalan bukan?nyiapin bekel biar bisa lama di kampung.

Begitu juga dengan iblis dan keturunannya,mereka sekarang sedang mengumpulkan bekal buat di bawa pulang ke kampung halaman mereka di neraka.

Kita tahu sendiri,yang namanya api bisa terus nyala atau terus hidup,kalau ada bahan bakarnya.

Sedangkan di dalam al qur'an kita tahu sendiri dan sudah di jelaskan bahwa bahan bakar utama api neraka adalah batu dan manusia.


💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂


O people,

Our name is human, our obligation is all to try, endeavor, the problem of fortune is not our concern, Allah is the one who governs every fortune of his servant servant.

Have you ever felt that it was very hot, if you saw someone who traded, the merchandise was the same as us.

In fact, being accidentally grazed again, can you perch in front or behind or on the other side we hang out?

The atmosphere is really fun, isn't it? Especially when you see that many of our competitors buy it.

Beuki kaduruk we iyeu sirah tea beuhhh ..

But calm down bae, cool we ice, let the heat go down hahaha ..

So if we meet or pabentrok with people whose merchandise is the same as ours,

Think positively...!

Think ... oh fortune, God has arranged this, we are fellow traders, both have the same endeavor, both struggle to earn rupiah to support our family.

He has a family, I also have a family, so it's the same looking for fortune, God, through business,

Instead of not making any effort, aka pangedulan. Or becoming a lawyer (unemployed trying to attend events).

Is it okay for us to trade together, trade the same goods,

We chat with our rivals, we compete neutrally okay,

So it's up to whoever wants to buy it anywhere, to you or me,

Because the buyer is king, free to choose.

If you buy it from me that means it is my fortune, but if you buy it with you, that means it is your luck.

Simple right ?? I just think mah, instead of us being carried away by the devil's incitement who keeps burning our hearts,

Then just spoil our hearts, it's better to say astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh ...

So remember, Satan also has fortune, only luck if we fellow humans fight with each other.

The fortune of the devil and his descendants is by competing against our fellow humans.

Now, let's say a lot, astagfirullohal adziim, allah as much ...

Let the devil and his descendants fight each other, desyu..desyu ... bukkk ... bukk ... bekk ... (keur parasea cenah)

We are human beings, don't follow the devil's way, because this world is where we live, while the devil and his descendants

His place of return is in hell.
We don't know if we are overseas people, if we want to go back to our hometown,

Like to be ready to prepare supplies, right? Prepare a lunch so you can stay in your village for a long time.

Likewise with the devil and his descendants, they are now gathering supplies to bring back to their hometowns in hell.

We know for ourselves, a fire can continue to burn or continue to live, if there is fuel available.

Whereas in the Qur'an we know for ourselves and it has been explained that the main fuel for hellfire is stone and humans.

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