💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
wahai kaum muslimin,
Wahai front pembela islam atau fpi,wahai alumni 212,wahai ormas ormas islam yang lainnya,
Pada kemana kalian semua ini?!!
Kenapa kalian semua hanya jadi penonton?!
Lihatlah perjuangan para mahasiswa dan anak anak stm ...!
Apa hati kalian tidak tergerak untuk membantu mereka?!!
Ayo seraaang istana negara...kepung kalau perlu hancurkan semua fasilitas pemerintah,kita buat kerusuhan yang lebih luas lagi...
Ayo para mahasiswa...ayo anak anak stm...
Hari ini adalah sejarah yang akan di baca oleh anak anak cucu kita kelak di pelajaran sekolah mereka kelak...!
Hancurkan...kita rusakan semua fasilitas milik pemerintah...!!
Hancurkan,sampai jokowi mau menyerah dan berhenti jadi presiden.,
Jika jokowi kekeuh gak mau berhenti jadi presiden,kita bikin parah lagi suasananya
Bikin kerusuhan yang lebih besar lagi
Bilang satu tuntutan kami,jokowi berhenti jadi presiden udah titik.
Kami gak mau negara kami di jual murah kepada tiongkok,dan hanya jokowi yang dapat untungnya..
Sedang kami rakyat kena imbasnya
Jadi ayo rakyat,
Ayo mahasiswa,
Ayo anak anak stm,
Ayo mujahidin fpi,
Ayo alumni 212,
Ayo kaum buruh....
Kita tunjukan kemarahan kita atas ketidak adilan yang kita rasakan ini...!
Jokowi keras seperti batu,kita harus lebih keras seperti baja...!
Hancurkan fasilitas fasilitas umum...milik pemerintah...
Agar jokowi mau menyerah...!!!
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O Muslims,
O Islamic Defenders Front or FPI, O 212 alumni, O other Islamic mass organizations,
Where are all of you all this? !!
Why are all of you just being spectators ?!
Look at the struggles of the students and stm children ...!
Doesn't your heart move to help them? !!
Let's attack the state palace ... surround if necessary destroy all government facilities, we will create a riot that is even wider ...
Come on students ... come on, kids, stm ...
Today is the history that our children and grandchildren will read in their school lessons ...!
Destroy ... we destroy all government facilities ... !!
Destroy it, until Jokowi wants to give up and stop being president.,
If Jokowi insists he doesn't want to stop being president, we will make the atmosphere worse
Make the riot even bigger
Saying one of our demands, Jokowi has stopped being president.
We don't want our country to be sold cheaply to China, and only Jokowi will benefit ..
While we people are affected
So come on people,
Come on student,
Come on kids stm,
Come on fpi mujahidin,
Come on alumni 212,
Come on the workers ....
We show our anger for the injustice we feel is this ...!
Jokowi is hard as a rock, we must be harder like steel ...!
Destroy public facilities ... owned by the government ...
So that Jokowi would give up ... !!!
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