💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
Corona itu hanya hoax yang di sebarkan pemerintah lewat media..
Wahai rakyat indonesia,
Masihkah kalian percaya tentang virus corona??
Lihatlah para pendemo yang membludak di ibu kota jakarta,
Apa ada salah satu dari pendemo yang langsung mati di tempat karena terserang corona?!
Tidak ada bukan,itu berarti sudah sangat jelas,pemerintah kita mau menipu kita rakyat,
Pemerintah kita mau bikin ekonomi kita rakyat makin susah.....!!
Jadi jangan percaya sama apa yang selalu di gembar gemborkan pemerintah mengenai corona.
Pemerintah tuh mau bikin ekonomi kita rakyat sulit,lalu kita sesama rakyat saling baku hantam hanya sekedar mencari sesuap nasi,
Kalau sudah begitu ,makan para cukong dapat dengan mudah menempatkan tka asal china untuk bekerja di negara kita
Kayaknya mereka bersiasat untuk menguasai pulau kalimantan...
Secara ibu kota negara kita kan mau di pindah kesana...
Heupp ah balik lagi ke topik,
Jadi makannya jadi orang itu jangan bego bego amat,kita harus berani kritis,
Karena corona di sebarkan bertujuan untuk menekan perekonomian kita rakyat agar jatuh dan harus memulai lagi dari nol...
Begitu,jadi buat para bapak bapak ,ibu ibu ,ade ade,saudara saudaraku setanah air,maupun seagama,
Yakinlah corona adalah berita hoax pemerintah pusat untuk membuat ekonomi kita semakin terpuruk....
Jadi jika ada petugas yang pakai seragam apa tuh kaya manusia astronot,
Bilang bapak udah gila ya pak,pake baju gitu gituan.
Kalau dia bilang kan buat melindungi dari virus corona,kalian bilang aja kalau corona memang benar benar ada,lantas kenapa yang pada demo gak pada mati?!!
Kan yang pada demo ,pada ngumpul semua tuh orang...hayooo...mau bikin alasan apalagi...?
In english :
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
Corona is just a hoax that the government spreads through the media ...
O people of Indonesia,
Do you still believe about the corona virus ??
Look at the demonstrators who are booming in the capital city of Jakarta,
Did one of the demonstrators immediately die on the spot because he was attacked by corona ?!
No no, that means it is very clear, our government wants to deceive us people,
Our government wants to make it even more difficult for the people of our economy ..... !!
So don't believe what the government always says about corona.
The government wants to make our economy difficult for the people, then we fellow people fight each other just looking for a bite of rice,
If that is the case, then the cukong can easily put Chinese origin to work in our country
It seems they are scheming to rule the island of Borneo ...
As the capital city of our country we want to move there ...
Heupp ah back to the topic,
So eat it so that person don't be so stupid, we have to dare to be critical,
Because the corona is being distributed aims to suppress our economy, the people to fall and have to start over from scratch ...
I see, so for fathers, mothers and mothers, ade ade, my local brothers and sisters, as well as in the same religion,
Rest assured that corona is hoax news from the central government to make our economy worse ...
So if there are officers who wear uniforms like astronauts,
You said you are crazy, sir, wearing clothes like that.
If he says to protect from the corona virus, you just say that if the corona really does exist, then why the demo doesn't die? !!
In the demo, everyone gathered together ... Heyooo ... what else do you want to make excuses ...?
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