💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
Wahai umat Islam...
Begitu lah peribahasa yang cocok untuk menyatakan perlawanan terhadap rezim dzolim ini...!
Jika habib rizieq di tangkap, Dan DI PENJARA karena keberanian melawan Tirani pemerintah yang dzolim Dan berlaku sekarepe Dewek...
MAKA akan BERMUNCULAN lah Muhammad Muhammad baru yang berani melawan rezim Tirani ini.
Berani melawan...ketidak adilan terhadap umat Islam...
Wahai umat Islam, polri selaku penegak hukum di negeri ini sudah rusak reputasinya di MATA publik.
Yang merusaknya adalah kapolri yang jabatannya lebih tinggi Dan berpangkat.
Berpangkat lebih tinggi dari jajaran kapolri...!
Kapolri yang berpangkat lebih tinggi di suap oleh para cukong dengan uang ratusan Miliar agar tunduk Dan patuh terhadap keinginan para cukong ini.
Agar polri mau melayani kehendak mereka para cukong.
Jika atasan telah tunduk Dan patuh pada perintah cukong.
Ya tidak Ada jalan lain bagi bawahan mah selain menuruti perintah atasan, walaupun perintah atasan itu adalah salah Dan melanggar hukum.
Begitu lah kapolri saat ini, hukum Dan ke adilan telah mati di terjang badai uang yang mengalir deras ke rekening para aparat penegak hukum.
Sehingga hukum Dan keadilan menjadi hilang di negeri ini.
Martabat Dan wibawa penegak hukum telah luntur di MATA kami rakyat...!
Hukum yang berlaku hanya tajam kebawah, tapi tumpul ke atas...!
Wibawa polisi telah luntur, tergerus deras nya uang yang mengalir ke kantong kantong pribadi para jendral jendral yang berpangkat paling tinggi di jajaran aparat penegak hukum.
Aparat kepolisian kita telah tunduk pada perintah cukong.
Para cukong ini telah menguasai aparat penegak hukum di negara kita wahai rakyat Indonesia.. 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Jadi kita rakyat, hanya bisa melakukan dua hal,
Pasrah pada hukum yang tidak adil, atau berontak, bangkit Dan melawan hukum yang tidak adil...!!
Fuck you bapak kapolri...!!
Dikit dikit main tangkap...!
In English :
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O Muslims...
That's a suitable proverb to express resistance to this oppressive regime...!
If Habib Rizieq is arrested, and in prison for his courage against the tyranny of an oppressive government and acting like Dewek...
THEN there will be a new Muhammad who dares to fight against this tyrannical regime.
Dare to fight... injustice against Muslims...
O Muslims, the police as law enforcers in this country have damaged their reputation in the eyes of the public.
What damaged it was the National Police Chief, who had a higher position and rank.
Ranking higher than the ranks of the National Police Chief...!
The higher-ranking National Police Chief was bribed by the barons with hundreds of Millers of money to submit and obey the wishes of these cukongs.
So that the police are willing to serve the will of the cukong.
If the superior has submitted and obeyed the cukong's orders.
Yes, there is no other way for my subordinates other than to obey the orders of the superiors, even though the orders of the superiors are wrong and violate the law.
That's how the current chief of police, law and justice have died in the storm of money flowing into the accounts of law enforcement officers.
So that law and justice are lost in this country.
The dignity and authority of law enforcement has faded in the eyes of our people...!
The law that applies is only sharp down, but blunt up...!
The prestige of the police has been eroded, the money flowing into the personal pockets of the generals who have the highest rank in the ranks of law enforcement officers has been eroded.
Our police officers have obeyed the cukong's orders.
These cukongs have controlled law enforcement officers in our country, O people of Indonesia..
So we the people, can only do two things,
Surrender to unjust laws, or rebel, rise up And fight unjust laws...!!
Fuck you Mr. Chief of Police...!!
Play catch a little bit...!
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