💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
Komunis mau buat tipu daya untuk melemahkan citra umat islam,dan juga agar setiap masjid di larang memasang kotak amal.
Wahai umat islam....
Tahukah kalian,tipu daya yang hendak mereka(orang komunis) untuk melemahkan kita umat islam...
Mereka membuat tipu daya untuk menyerang umat islam dalam hal ini ekonomi umat islam.
Mereka membuat berita kebohongan bahwa telah di temukan di salah satu rumah terduga teroris,beberapa kotak amal...
Hahahahaha maksudnya apaan coba??
Maksudnya biar nanti ngadu ke pemerintah dalam hal ini mentri agama,pak fakhrul... Agar melarang penyimpanan kotak amal di setiap masjid begitu....???
Tipu daya kalian tuh sudah basi....
Kalian menggunakan tipu daya tuh yang itu itu mulu semenjak penabrakan pesawat ke gedung wtc di amerika...
Mereka itu licik,tipu daya mereka ko bisa sama ya??
Ya iyalah orang mereka satu organisasi,satu jaringan dan mereka ini saling terhubung.
Mereka yang membuat kerusakan dan mereka pula yang melemparkan bola fitnah terhadap agama dan umat islam ini.
Dengan mengatas namakan berperang melawan teroris.
Sebenarnya yang teroris itu diri mereka.karena mereka menginginkan apa yang mereka inginkan tercapai.
Dengan melakukan berbagai macam cara,mereka lakukan demi ambisi mereka tercapai!
Inilah orang orang yang serakah,mengejar dunia habis habisan,karena jiwa mereka telah mereka jual kepada iblis.
Oleh karena itu buat kalian yang belum tahu,maka ketahuilah...
Bahwa dunia saat ini di kuasai oleh para pemuja setan.
Oke balik lagi ke topik pembahasan....
Jadi jika kita umat islam mendengar berita seperti ini lagi,kalian sudah tahu siapa dalang nya bukan??!!
In english :
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
The Communists wanted to make tricks to weaken the image of Muslims, and also to have every mosque banned from installing charity boxes.
O Muslims ....
Do you know, the trick they (the communists) wanted to weaken us Muslims ...
They made tricks to attack Muslims in this case the Muslim economy.
They make up the hoax that they have been found in one of the suspected terrorists' homes, some charity boxes ...
Hahahahaha what do you mean try ??
It means that later I will complain to the government in this case the Minister of Religion, Pak Fakhrul ... In order to prohibit the storage of charity boxes in every mosque ... ???
Your trickery is stale ...
You guys used that trick since the crash of the plane into the toilet building in America ...
They are cunning, how can their tricks be the same?
Yes, people, they are one organization, one network, and they are connected to each other.
They are the ones who make the damage and they are also the ones who throw the ball of slander against this religion and Muslims.
In the name of fighting against terrorists.
Actually the terrorists are themselves, because they want what they want to be achieved.
By doing various ways, they do for their ambition to be achieved!
These are people who are greedy, chasing the world to the end, because they have sold their souls to the devil.
Therefore, for those of you who don't know, then please know ...
That the world is currently controlled by Satanists.
Okay, back to the topic of discussion ....
So if we Muslims hear news like this again, you already know who the mastermind is right ?? !!
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