Kehidupan yang kita jalani saat ini,jika tidak mengikuti alur cerita hidup ibu dan bapak kita,maka kita akan mengikuti alur cerita nenek dan kakek kita.
Ternyata alur cerita kehidupan yang kita jalani itu,mengikuti alur cerita hidup yang telah di lakoni oleh ibu bapak kita,jika tidak mengikuti alur cerita hidup ibu dan bapak kita,
Berarti kita mengikuti alur cerita hidup nenek dan kakek kita sewaktu muda...
Inilah yang di sebut karma hidup.
Cerita hidup kita bersama istri atau suami kita mengikuti alur cerita hidup rumah tangga orang tua kita.
Jika tidak mengikuti alur cerita rumah tangga ibu dan bapak kita,berarti cerita hidup rumah tangga kita mengikuti alur kisah nenek dan kakek kita.
The life we live in today, if we don't follow the storyline of the lives of our mothers and fathers, then we will follow the storylines of our grandparents.
O people...
It turns out that the storyline of the life we live, follows the storyline of the life that has been done by our mother and father, if it doesn't follow the story line of the life of our mother and father,
It means we follow the storyline of our grandmother and grandfather's life when we were young ...
This is what is called living karma.
Our life story with our wife or husband follows the story line of our parents' household life.
If it doesn't follow the story line of our mother and father's household, it means that the story of our household life follows the story line of our grandmother and grandfather.
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