Cara untuk menghentikan agresi militer israel adalah dengan memboikot semua produk dari negara zionis tersebut...!
Wahai kaum muslimin..
Kalian tahu kenapa negara zionis selalu memulai peperangan dengan saudara kita orang orang gaza?
Itu karena keuangan atau perekonomian negara zionis maju pesat,
Produk produk yang berasal dari negara zionis laku keras di negara negara kita umat muslim..
Seperti salah satu contoh produk yang bisa menyumbangkan uangnya buat zionis adalah rokok marlboro,
Mc donald,kfc(kentucky fried chiken)..
Semua produk produk tersebut memberikan sebagian uang dari hasil penjualannya kepada zionis.
Itu kenapa israel sangat kuat untuk melancarkan peperangan dan menyerang warga palestina.
Jadi buat menghentikan agresi militer negara zionis ini adalah dengan MEMBOIKOT SEMUA PRODUK ISRAEL!
Atas nama kemanusiaan..
Mari kita serukan kepada seluruh warga masyarakat dunia untuk memboikot produk asal negara zionis!
The way to stop Israeli military aggression is to boycott all products of the Zionist country ...
O Muslims ..
Do you know why the Zionist countries always start wars with our brothers, the people of Gaza?
That is because the finance or economy of the Zionist country
Products originating from the Zionist country are selling well in our Muslim country.
As one example of a product that can donate money to Zionists is Marlboro cigarettes,
McDonald's, kfc (kentucky fried chiken) ...
All of these products provide a portion of the money from their sales to the Zionists.
That's why Israel is very strong to wage war and attack Palestinians.
So in order to stop the military aggression of this Zionist state is to BOOK ALL ISRAEL PRODUCTS!
In the name of humanity ..
Let us call on all citizens of the world community to boycott the products of the Zionist countries!
Note ...:
Israel is strong and stubborn because their economy is advanced,
But if we Muslims unite to boycott all products from the country of Israel, then Israel will definitely submit!
Because Israel is economically strong, we Muslims are weak economically,
But we Muslims can be strong if we are all Muslim people in the whole world together,
Boycott all products from Israel!
All product boycotts apply to every country that attacks a Muslim country!
Like Myanmar .... like China torturing Uyghur Muslim brothers ...!
If we are all united, they will give up, and will not want to disturb our brothers who are being fought by Israel
And tortured by the xinjiping !!
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