🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏___ assallaamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
Jika banyak masjid yang ditutup pemerintah,gak usah dipikirin,kalau mau sholat berjamaah,kan bumi alloh itu kan luas,gak didalam masjid pun,di halaman masjid pun jadi.
Wahai kaum muslimin...
Sekarang sekarang rezim otoriter mulai menampakan kebenciannya terhadap kita umat islam...
Kalian tahu kenapa hanya umat islam yang di jadikan sasaran penguasa...??
Karena kita umat islam lah yang paling berani menyuarakan kebenaran...
Jika penguasa menutup semua masjid,gak usah dipikirin,jika kita ingin melakukan sholat berjamaah,
Lakukanlah di halaman masjid,gak perlu di dalam masjid..
Bumi alloh itu luas....
Alloh itu tidak melihat tempat kita sholat,tapi yang alloh lihat adalah kita menuruti perintahnya....
Yaitu sholat berjamaah...
Rezim sengaja menutup masjid,agar kita umat islam marah marah,sehingga jika kita umat islam marah marah,akan menghasilkan energi negatif yang menjadi makanan dan nutrisinya iblis..
Jadi jika masjid di tutup oleh pemerintah,bilang,bodo amat,masih bisa sholat di halaman masjid ini,kalau halaman masjid tetap gak bisa di pake sholat,masih ada lapang untuk kita pakai buat sholat berjamaah....
Jadi intinya,jangan pernah kita marah marah,tapi tunjukanlah sikap bodo amat kita,bumi alloh itu luas...
Karena jika kita bersikap bodo amat,nantinya penguasalah yang banyak marah marahnya,sehingga banyak mengeluarkan energi negatif yang menjadi makanan iblis....
Jadi semakin terlihat,bahwa oligarki ini,adalah pemyembah setan,
Karena yang selalu oligarki musuhi adalah kita umat islam....!
Jadi sebisa mungkin jangan tanggapi keputusan pemerintah yang menutup masjid masjid,dengan amarah...
Tapi tanggapilah dengan kata bodo amat,masjid kalian tutup juga,gua mah asih bisa sholat berjamaah di halaman masjid....!!
In english ::::::
🙏___ assalamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
If many mosques are closed by the government, don't think about it, if you want to pray in congregation, Allah's earth is wide, not even inside the mosque, even in the courtyard of the mosque.
O Muslims...
Now now the authoritarian regime is starting to show its hatred towards us Muslims...
You know why only Muslims are targeted by the rulers...??
Because we Muslims are the ones who dare to speak the truth...
If the ruler closes all mosques, don't think about it, if we want to pray together,
Do it in the courtyard of the mosque, you don't need to be in the mosque.
Allah's earth is wide...
Allah doesn't see where we pray, but what Allah sees is that we obey his orders....
That is congregational prayer...
The regime deliberately closed the mosque, so that we Muslims were angry, so that if we Muslims were angry, it would produce negative energy which became the devil's food and nutrition.
So if the mosque is closed by the government, saying, it's really stupid, you can still pray in the courtyard of this mosque, if the mosque's yard still can't be used for prayer, there is still room for us to use for congregational prayers....
So the point is, we should never be angry, but show our very stupid attitude, Allah's earth is wide...
Because if we are very stupid, later it is the ruler who gets angry a lot, so that a lot of negative energy is released which becomes the devil's food....
So it becomes more and more apparent, that these oligarchs, are devil worshippers,
Because the oligarchs are always the enemy of us Muslims....!
So as much as possible don't respond to the government's decision to close mosques with anger...
But respond with stupid words, your mosque is closed too, I can still pray in congregation in the mosque yard....!!
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