🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏___ assallaamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
Cara melawan postingan buzzer mah,gak usah di like,apalagi di komentarin...!!
Wahai rakyat indonesia...
Kita di dunia maya tidak bisa mengetahui,mana itu akun asli,dan mana akun fake.
Akun fake biasanya di pakai oleh buzzer penjilat istana.
Dengan memakai poto profil orang lain.
Bagaimana agar kita bisa mengetahui kalau itu adalah akun buzzer penjilat??
Yaitu dari postingan postingannya.
Buzzer setiap postingan postingannya gak bakalan jauh,dari menjelek jelekan bapak anies baswedan,
Jelek jelekin para habaib,jelek jelekin pak soeharto dan anak cucunya alias keluarga cendana,mengadu domba kita sesama umat islam,dan menyalahkan kinerja bapak soesilo bambang yudoyono.
Sementara jokowi,selalu di elu elukan,di bagus bagusin imej nya..
Seolah olah jokowi adalah hero hahahahahah...
Hero ti jonggol...wkwkwkwkwk...
Aya banjir di kalimantan, lain ngalongok malah nyobaan ngajajal sirkuit...eeetttt daaahhh....
Selain selalu membagus baguskan imej jokowi,juga gak ketinggalan,selalu membuat bagus citra ahok...
Dan sekarang,mendekati pilpres 2024(padahal mah masih 3 tahun deui),
Para buzzer di tugasin sama cukong cukongnya buat membagus baguskan imej pak ganjar pranowo,
Maaf bukan gak suka sama bapak ganjar,tapi sebaik apapun calon pemimpin,jika pemimpin tersebut di dukung oleh buzzer,
Itu nantinya pemimpin tersebut harus menuruti aturan yang di buat cukong!
Jadi ia memimpin atas arahan cukong di balik layar!
Kenapa para cukong membagus baguskan imej pak ganjar??
Karena para cukong tahu,jokowi udah mati imej nya...
Udah gak menarik lagi hahahaha kasian amet..
Hati hati pak jokowi,kalau udah gak jadi presiden,siap siap aja di musuhin sama warga sekitar rumah anda!
Oke balik lagi ke pembahasan awal,
Jadi kalian itu harus mengetahui ciri akun buzzer itu dari postingannya.
Dan kalian juga bisa melihat dari poto potonya.
Buzzer paling banyak juga nyimpen poto cuman 6 buah,mungkin karena kebanyakan ngurus akun,jadi males buat nyimpen poto(rariyeut cenah hulu babatok hahahahahaha).
Jadi solusinya adalah jika kalian menemukan postingan buzzer adalah biarin aja,jangan di like apalagi di komentarin.
Karena yang harus kalian ketahui,semakin banyak like dan juga komentar,maka si buzzer semakin senang,karena gajinya akan di kasih bonus sama si cukong!
Karena semakin banyak yang kasih komentar,maka rating postingannya akan naik,jadi para cukong bisa memgetahui postingan mana yang bisa bikin rakyat marah marah!
Sehingga memunculkan energi negatif,karena jika kalian tahu sendiri,energi negatif itu adalah makanan nya iblis.
Karena yang harus kalian ketahui,para cukong ini atau oligarki yang memimpin negara kita di balik layar pemerintahan jokowi ini adalah para penyembah setan!
Jadi mereka sudah bekerja sama dengan iblis hanya demi kekuasaan dan kekayaan.
Jadi untuk menghancurkan kekuatan iblis ini adalah dengan menebarkan kebaikan kepada sesama,
Silih asih,silih asah,silih asuh dan silih elingan kepada sesama.
Supaya bisa muncul energi positif,semakin banyak energi positif maka akan semakin habislah energi negatif yang di butuhkan iblis.
Maka jika itu terjadi,maka iblis akan menekan jiwa para pemyembahnya,yang membuat para penyembahnya tertekan,
Lama kelamaan iblis bakalan mencabut nyawa para penyembahnya dengan membuat darah para penyembahnya naik ke ubun ubun...
Setelah mati,iblis pun akan membawa jiwA para penyembah pemyembahnya ke istana iblis buat jadi budak di istana iblis.
In english :::
🙏___ assalamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
How to fight the buzzer post, you don't have to like it, let alone comment it...!!
O Indonesian people...
We in cyberspace cannot know, which is the real account, and which is the fake account.
Fake accounts are usually used by palace-licking buzzers.
By using other people's profile photos.
How can we find out if it's a licking buzzer account??
That is, from the posts.
The buzzer for each post will not be far, from badmouthing Mr. Anies Baswedan,
Ugly insulting the habaib, vilifying Pak Suharto and his grandchildren aka the sandalwood family, pitting us fellow Muslims against each other, and blaming the performance of Mr. Soesilo Bambang Yudoyono.
Meanwhile, Jokowi is always cheered on, he's made good on his image..
As if Jokowi is a hero hahahahahah...
Hero ti Jonggol...wkwkwkwkwk...
Aya flooded in Kalimantan, others looked around and even tried to try the circuit...eeettt daaahhh....
Besides always improving Jokowi's image, he also doesn't miss it, always makes Ahok's image good...
And now, approaching the 2024 presidential election (even though I'm still 3 years away),
The buzzers are tasked with the cukong cukong to improve the image of Pak Ganjar Pranowo,
Sorry, it's not that I don't like Mr. Ganjar, but no matter how good the leader candidate is, if the leader is supported by a buzzer,
That later the leader must obey the rules made by the cukong!
So he took the lead at the direction of the cukong behind the scenes!
Why do the cukong improve Pak Ganjar's image?
Because the cukong knows, Jokowi's image is dead...
It's not interesting anymore hahahaha I'm so sorry..
Be careful, Mr. Jokowi, if you are not president, be prepared to be hostile to the people around your house!
OK, back to the original discussion.
So you have to know the characteristics of the buzzer account from the post.
And you can also see from the photos.
The buzzer at most also saves only 6 photos, maybe because most of them take care of accounts, so lazy to save photos (rariyeut cenah Hulu babatok hahahahaha).
So the solution is if you find a buzzer post, just leave it alone, don't like it, let alone comment.
Because what you should know, the more likes and comments, the happier the buzzer will be, because his salary will be given a bonus by the cukong!
As more and more people comment, the post rating will go up, so the barons can know which posts can make people angry!
So that it gives rise to negative energy, because if you know yourself, that negative energy is the devil's food.
Because what you should know, these cukongs or the oligarchs who lead our country behind the scenes of this Jokowi government are devil worshippers!
So they've been cooperating with demons just for the sake of power and wealth.
So to destroy this demonic power is to spread kindness to others,
Compassionate love, succession sharpening, reparation and care for each other.
In order for positive energy to appear, the more positive energy, the more negative energy the devil needs.
So if that happens, then the devil will suppress the souls of his worshipers, which makes his worshipers depressed,
Over time the devil will take the life of his worshiper fig by making the blood of his worshipers rise to the crown...
After death, the devil will take the souls of his worshipers to the devil's palace to become slaves in the devil's palace.
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