🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏___ assallaamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
Di saat rakyat kesusahan menghadapi persoalan langka nya minyak goreng bagi ibu ibu,dan solar bagi bapak bapak,dpr malah sibuk untuk mengurus gorden....!
Wahai rakyat indonesia...
Di saat kita rakyat sedang di hadapi dengan langkanya minyak goreng, dan solar...
Gak ada sama sekali kita mendengar suara suara dari para anggota dewan yang katanya perwakilan rakyat ini...!
Suara suara perwakilan yang seharusnya penyambung derita rakyat untuk di sampaikan di rapat paripurna...
Agar semua anggota dewan peduli dan mau mendengar...agar mau memberikan solusi dan jalan keluar dari masalah langka nya minyak goreng dan solar ini.
Tapi sayang nya,suara suara dari anggota dewan itu tidak ada!
Suara suara yang mewakilkan penderitaan kita rakyat lenyap!
Yang terdengar adalah DPR mengeluarkan anggaran 48 milyar,hanya untuk mengganti gorden di rumah dinas anggota dewan?!!
Untuk info klik link di bawah ini!
Cik atuh sing mikir...!
Di saat rakyat sedang susah dengan masalah langkanya minyak goreng...dan solar..
Jangan anda menyakiti perasaan rakyat anda,dengan mudahnya anda mengeluarkan uang hanya untuk ganti gorden..
Mana harga nya sampai 48 milyar...
Padahal setelah di telusuri di shopee harga paling mahal gorden gak nyampe jutaan.
Untuk info klik link di bawah ini!
Rakyat itu melihat!
Ceritanya dewan perwakilan rakyat...
Rakyat susah...gak bisa ngasih solusi...
Kalau gak bisa ngasih solusi,jaga perasaan rakyat anda!
Namanya saja dewan perwakilan rakyat,
Lantas apa yang di wakilkan...??!!
Fungsi DPR itu apa??
Apa hanya bikin aturan,lalu mereka sendiri yang melanggar aturan yang mereka buat.
tidur saat rapat...
Marah marah!
Nunjuk nunjuk....!
Sekali lagi kita melihat,DPR sudah tidak ada fungsinya sama sekali!
DPR hari ini bukan dewan perwakilan rakyat...!
Bubarin tuh LEMBAGA yang katanya mewakil kan rakyat!!
In english:::
🙏___ assalamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
At a time when the people are having trouble dealing with the rare problem of cooking oil for mothers, and diesel for fathers, the DPR is even busy taking care of the curtains...!
O Indonesian people...
At a time when we the people are being faced with the scarcity of cooking oil and diesel fuel...
We don't hear the voices of the members of the council who are said to be representatives of the people...!
The voices of representatives who are supposed to connect the suffering of the people to be conveyed at the plenary meeting...
So that all members of the council care and want to listen...so that they are willing to provide a solution and a way out of this rare problem of cooking oil and diesel.
But unfortunately, the voices of the council members did not exist!
The voices that represent the suffering of our people are gone!
What is heard is that the DPR issued a budget of 48 billion, only to change the curtains at the official residence of the members of the council?!!
Ms atuh sing think...!
The story of the House of Representatives...
People are difficult... can't give a solution...
It's called the People's Representative Council.
So what does it represent...??!!
What is the function of DPR?
Do they just make rules, then they themselves break the rules they make.
sleep in meetings...
Angry angry!
Pointing pointing....!
Once again we see, the DPR has no function at all!
Today's DPR is not a people's representative council...!
But today's DPR is a regime sycophant council...hahahahha
Disband the INSTITUTIONS that are said to represent the people!!
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