Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

there is a story of a merchant selling gorengan..yg kampung.lalu fork in the road a bunch of little children came along, of all the children was only one child who cuman silent, biting the finger that required frying it, but he had no other go uang.ketika the child is still there hoping to give him fried merchant trader though sedikit.sang actually know the purpose of this child, and he was recalled under tail Dangdeur cart there unused, then it kasihkan in children tersebut..mungkin because in laperr circumstances it feels good for the child the child ini.lalu not happy after getting gorenganya kepalang..lalu the child was returned to rumahnya.esoknya as usual the children often come to the fried traders expect the traders are still willing to give her the Dangdeur tail. and that there is still good intentions of this merchant until he wanted to give this child Dangdeur aftermath continues. almost every day this boy through and in the aftermath dabgdeur same love fried tersebut.sampai dateng a trader when the child is no longer visible at the merchant fried tersebut.Dia hope the child is coming soon stopped by to receive Dangdeur oxtail fried merchant has tersebut.usut investigate child often turns her love of the tail Dangdeur is an orphan who lives in an orphanage, and has been adopted by his foster parents angkatnya.orang old is a successful businessman wealthy and do not have a putra.tahun after year went by a little boy it was grown and inherited his adoptive father's company for he kelola.setelah feel bored with his daily routine he decided to berlibur.dan first goal he wants to go is the hometown he felt nostalgic when kecil.ia given the same foods fried food merchants that time, the tail dangdeur..besoknya he went to his former hometown, had it occurred to him that if the merchant is still trading or has never traded again, he silently prayed that he could meet with the merchant for many years tersebut.setelah no see he saw the father of the fried food artisans and merchants approached tersebut.kata fried pedagng: want to buy what master?, seeing the look of this young man looks like a neat once berada.mau know? tempeh? bananas? or what ?? asked the repairman tersebut.saya fried oxtail want my father Dangdeur bei ..... replied the young man shocked tersebut.si fried handyman is not playing, this was the first time anyone want to buy tail Dangdeur that he was the fried jual.si handyman asked again, which hosts want to buy? asked the merchant ... I want you to give me a long tail dangdeur..tak think the repairman is fried to give the young man that he pinta.dan tail Dangdeur the young man takes Dangdeur with lahapnya.sambil tail eating the young man told the repairman bertyanya fried foods, whether the father is still remembered there used to be a little boy waiting fried administration of the father, and the father gave the child's tail Dangdeur ... asked the pemuda.duh who replied yes sir ... traders because he had forgotten because the event has a dozen years of the youth berlalu.si explain more in detail about the little boy and eventually this merchant remember back in the child and asked the young man, yes I remember the event host has a very long .Obviously tersebut.bapak fried merchant who used to father children often love oxtail Dangdeur it was my father, the boy clearly tersebut.ah future ?? ttuan asked the merchant's heran.ia my father, the father of the child that used to love oxtail dangder it is clear that the young man arrived tersebut.tiba fried merchant embraced the body of the young man in tears moved by the condition of small anka had already turned into a handsome young man and the character of the father handyman fried berada..dan invite the youth the home fries tersebut.di merchant there is a young merchant saw the condition of the house that fried the menghawatirkan.lalu he gives to the new home fried traders who megah.sang merchant cried and grateful kepa Allah SWT, and also to the youth tersebut.Ia not think of a tail Dangdeur his first love of a small child and is now replaced with a beautiful stately home with prizes that he can.

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