"sholat adalah sarana pemersatu umat"
salaamun alaikum...
karena mereka tahu,umat islam ini tidak bisa dikalahkan secara langsung,yakni dengan jalanm perang.akan tetapi mereka menggunakan teknologi agar umat islam ini semakin jauh dari nama nya masjid dan juga al qur`an.karena mereka tahu jikalau umat islam ini sudah jauh dari kedua hal tersebut,umat islam akan hancur dengan sendirinya.tanpa perlu di perangi.
kita tahu kalau kita jauh dari namanya mendirikan sholat,jiwa kita akan gundah,jiwa kita akan tidak tenang.bila kita jauh dari mendirikan sholat,maka keberkahan juga rahmat alloh pun akan hilang untuk kita.
dengan sholat bisa membuat jiwa kita tenang,dengan sholat berjamaah di masjid akan semakin mempererat tali silaturahmi kita sesama tetangga.karena cuman dengan sholat berjamaah di masjidlah yang bisa membuat kita bertemu dan menjalin silaturahmi dengan tetangga kita.
banyak orang orang awam beranggapan buat sholat,tidak akan membuat kita kaya ini.hey kawan sholat itu bukan untuk supaya kita kaya.kalau anda ingin kaya,ya bekerja lah...!
sholat itu membuat diri kita semakin dekat dengan alloh swt dan membuat jiwa ini tenang.
untuk urusan sesama manusianya,tunaikanlah zakat,infak juga shodakoh...
karena dengan mengeluarkan sebagian harta kita,berarti kita telah menunaikan kewajiban kita yang telah alloh perintahkan di dalam al qur`an.
"Prayer is a means of unifying the people"
salaamun alaikum ...
O friends, why is prayer so important for ourselves and our lives ...?
because with prayer, our self can avoid the heinous and evil deeds. And with that prayer also our self becomes closer to Allah swt.
in this day and age all people are divided, especially for people or people of Islam. why is that ...?
because it is ourselves who think that we are the most righteous and blame for the ways and actions of others in worship.
what can bring these Muslims together ...?
every human being if his mind is money or material wealth, certainly will not be able to unite or there is no common ground. there are always differences in their respective thoughts and opinions.
every thing that has an earthly odor will not be able to unite our thinking as human beings of faith.
then what can make us one understanding and one goal ... ???
yah prayer in congregation in the mosque, which can make us united. what do you know, the enemies of Islam have learned how to weaken these Muslims. that is by keeping these Muslims from prayer, from the mosque and from the Qur'an.
because they know, these Muslims cannot be defeated directly, that is by way of war. but they are using technology so that these Muslims are farther away from the name of the mosque and also the Qur'an. Because they know that if this Muslim is far from both of these things, Muslims will self-destruct. without fighting.
we know that if we are far from the name of establishing prayer, our souls will be upset, our souls will be uneasy. If we are far from establishing prayer, then blessings and blessings of Allah will also disappear for us.
with prayer can make our souls calm, by praying in congregation in the mosque will further strengthen the ties of our fellow neighbors. Because it is only by praying in congregation in the mosque that can make us meet and establish hospitality with our neighbors.
many lay people assume for prayer, it will not make us rich. Hey friends, prayer is not to make us rich. If you want to be rich, then work ...!
prayer makes us closer to Allah swt and makes this soul calm.
for the affairs of fellow humans, pay alms, shakakoh also ...
because by removing some of our assets, it means that we have fulfilled our obligations that Allah has commanded in the Qur'an.
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