heupp ahh...
mereka(orang-orang yahudi dan cina) memberi apa saja yang di minta oleh orang islam yangmunafik ini,asal orang islam ini mau menghasut tetangganya,merusak moral tetangganya,jadi intinya orang yahudi memberikankekayaan kepada satu orangislam yang munafik ini,demi merugikan jutaan bahkan hingga milyaran orang islam yang lainnya dalam satu perkampungan muslim.
istilah peribahasnya itu polotik adu domba,ibarat sebuahperisai atau sebuah lingkaran dari luar tidak bisa di tembus karena adanya perisai yang sangat kuat,nah mereka mencoba masuk dari dalam lingkaran dan langsung merongrong sedikit demi sedikit hingga akhirnya lingkaran tersebut mulai rapuh.
setelah rapuh,barulah mereka akan menyerang dari luar,jadi sadarlah wahai kau orang munafik!
tegakah kau memakan daging dari tubuh saudaramu sendiri?
bahagiakah kau bilamana melihat adikmu sendiri atau ibumu atau istrimu bahkan mungkin juga anakmu sesama saudaranya saling bunuh membunuh dan memakan daging dari tubuhnya?
in english:
O Muslims, the Jews have learned how to weaken and destroy you Muslims. They still use the same tactics de vide et impera / hahaha balaga cenah jiga nu means artina ....
heupp ahh ...
further deui ... they use the same tactics in destroying you, they are using hypocritical Muslims (Muslims who are mercenaries / for money willing to do whatever the boss commands) somewhere in the Muslim community, and make them the right hand of the people Jews and Chinese people.
they (Jews and Chinese) give whatever is asked by these Muslim hypocrites, as long as these Muslims want to incite their neighbors, damage the morale of their neighbors, so the point is that Jews give wealth to one hypocritical Islamist, to the detriment of millions and even billions of other Muslims in a Muslim village.
the personal term is polotic sheep fighting, like a shield or a circle from the outside can not be penetrated because there is a very strong shield, now they try to enter from the circle and immediately subvert little by little until finally the circle starts to fragile.
after being fragile, then they will attack from the outside, so be aware of you hypocrites!
do you eat meat from your brother's body?
bahagiakah you when you see your own sister or your mother or your wife maybe even your fellow brother and sister kill each other kill and eat meat from his body?
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