Wahai kaum muslimin....
wahai umat islam jangan kalian membeli cat atau bahan bangunan yang pemiliknya orang cina,cari yang pemiliknya orang lokal,kalau kalian tidak menemukan pemiliknya orang lokal,mendingan gak usah jadi beli cat tembok rumah.
catatan tambahan: janganlah kalian mau membeli produk-produk makanan maupun minuman yang di iklanin di stasiun tv swasta yang terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini:
karena yang harus kalian ketahui,pemilik stasiun tv tersebut adalah pengusaha cina.dia cuman "boneka" nya para pengusaha cina.
in english:
O Muslims ...
especially Muslims who are in this beloved Indonesia, now is the time to repay our suffering so far. The economic difficulties that we feel must also be felt by our enemies.
O Muslims, don't buy western smelling products, like hamburgers, spagetti, pizza, and donuts, in terms of cigarettes, you don't want to buy marlboro cigarettes, philip morris bold, because of the products I mentioned earlier, some of the results sales, they donate to Israeli soldiers to slaughter our Palestinian Muslim brothers.
You also don't want to buy for building materials from shops whose owners are Chinese, buy building materials that are native to the local people.
because why?
as long as you know, some of the proceeds from their sales, they donate to the buddhist and Myanmar army to slaughter our brothers Rohingya Muslims and also Uighur Muslims.
this is the time for the suffering we have felt so far, they also have to feel, the economic difficulties we experience, they also have to experience it, so that they think and realize that their actions have violated human rights.
maybe you guys think and ask, instead of those who work in the restaurant and building shop, our people also, just say just look for another job, there's still a lot of work if you want to look for mah ..
remember laahaulaa walaa kuwwaata illa billahil `aliyyil adziim ... we can only try to solve the problem of the affairs of the gusti alloh ...
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