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bukankah mereka juga pernah hidup di dunia ini?
bukankah mereka juga pernah merasakan kehidupan yang sekarang kita rasakan ini ?
semisal nabi nuh dengan anaknya,kan`an,nabi ibrohim dengan bapaknyasendiri yang berbeda keyakinan,nabi luth dengan kaumnya sendiri yang suka kepada sesama jenis,nabi musa dengan kaumnya bani israil yang sangat keras kepala.
juga nabi ayyub, yang di uji dengan berbagai macam penyakit,dari yang tadinya seorang kaya raya,lalu alloh uji dengan kehilangan harta benda,setelah itu,alloh uji dengan kehilangan semua anak-anaknya.
dan ujian terakhir adalah dengan di tinggalkannya nabi ayyub oleh istrinya,karena istrinya.karena istri nabi ayyub sudah tidak tahan dengan kondisi nabi ayyub yang penyakitnya tidak kunjung sembuh.
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siti maryam yang alloh uji dengan kehamilan beliau tanpa di sentuh oleh laki-laki,yang mengakibatkan ia dituduh telah melakukan zinah oleh keluarganya juga para tetangganya.
nabi isa as,yang alloh uji dengan beberapa mukjizat yang dia miliki dan terakhir adalah nabi muhamad saw,yang alloh ujii dengan meninggalnya kakek beliau abdul mutthallib dan meninggalnya istri khodijah saat-saat masa awal penyebaran agama islam,baik kakeknya maupun istri beliau adalah penguat beliau dalam menyebarkan dakwah agama islam ini.
na itu semua adalah kisah-kisah dari perjalanan hidup orang-orang terdahulu,sebagai pelajaran hidup untuk kita orang-orang akhir jaman,bahwa dalam hidup ini,alloh pasti akan menguji setiap hambanya yang mengaku beriman.
ujian itu di berikan untuk menguatkan mental juga sikap kita orangberimanagar keimanan kita semakin panceg/semakin mantap di dada ini.
alloh swt juga menguji hambanya itu sesuai batas kemampuan si hamba tersebut.dan agar si hamba tersebut bisa menjadi manusia yangberkualitas.
dan sebaik-baik manusia ialah dia yang lulus dalam melewati ujian hidup tersebut dan mau mengajarkan juga mengamalkan ilmu yang dia dapatsaat dia sedang dalam ujian hidup agar bisa melewatinya kepada sesama muanusia atau orang lain,bahasa kekiniannya yaitu,bikin update status copy paste lalu di share it,hahahahaha
balaga cenah urang ngomong bahasa spanyol,hahahaha...
jadi kalau kamu mau menyerah dalam menghadapi masalah yang sedang kamu hadapi,ingatlah kembali ,bukankah kamu telah melewatimasa-masa suram dalam hidupmu daulu.dan kenyataanya kamu masih bisa bernafas menikmati hidup yang sedang kamu jalani sekarang ini.
kamu flashback lagi berapa rintangan yang telah kamu lalui bersama istrimu atau pun suamimu saat yang lalu?bukankah itu berarti dirimu adalah seorang yang tangguh?
walaupun dirimu tidak menyadarinya,itulah sejatinya diri kamu.
in english:
When you experience a problem, both in terms of finance and in terms of the relationship between husband and wife in a household midwife, remember again, the lives of the previous prophets.
haven't they ever lived in this world?
haven't they ever felt the life we now feel?
such as the prophet Noah with his son, kan`an, prophet ibrohim with his own father who had different beliefs, prophet Lut with his own people who liked the same sex, the prophet Moses and his people were very stubborn.
also the prophet Ayyub, who was tested with various kinds of diseases, from those who were a wealthy man, then the god of test by losing property, after that, Allah tested by losing all of his children.
and the final test is with the departure of the prophet Ayyub by his wife, because his wife. because the wife of the prophet Ayyub could not stand the condition of the prophet Ayyub whose disease did not heal.
all these tests, the prophet Ayyub passed with full sincerity and strong conviction, that Allah will surely test each of his servants before his servants are included in the heavenly class.
siti maryam, who tested her pregnancy without being touched by men, which resulted in her being accused of committing adultery by her family as well as her neighbors.
the prophet isa, which Allah test with some miracles that he has and finally is the prophet Muhamad saw, who Allah testified with the death of his grandfather Abdul Mutthallib and the death of his wife Khodijah at the time of the beginning of the spread of Islam, both his grandfather and wife were his strengthener in spreading the propaganda of Islam.
na all of them are stories from the journey of the lives of previous people, as a life lesson for us end-time people, that in this life, Allah will surely test every servant who claims to have faith.
the test was given to strengthen the mentality as well as our attitude towards people believing in our faith, the more stable / more stable in this chest.
Allah also tested the servant in accordance with the servant's ability and so that the servant could become a quality human being.
and the best of man is he who passed the test of life and wants to teach also practice the knowledge that he can when he is in the test of life to be able to pass it to fellow human beings or other people, the current language that is, make copy paste status updates and then share it, hahahahaha
balaga cenah urang speaking spanish,eh speaking english hahahaha ...
so if you want to give up in the face of the problem you are facing, remember again, have you not passed through the bleak times of your life and in fact you can still breathe to enjoy the life you are living right now.
You flashback how many obstacles have you been through with your wife or your husband at the past? Doesn't that mean you are a tough person?
even though you are not aware of it, that is your true self.
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