bukankah sudah dibilangin kalau jokowi naik lagi diperiode 2 ini.jokowi adalah presiden yang di dukung oleh partai PDI,yang
ninotabennya PDI ini adalah kebanyakan anggotanya adalah orang pki.
pak jokowi memang bukan orang cina,namun pak dhe ini,adalah pelayannya orang cina.
gimana menurut kalian,presidennya aja pelayan orang cina,apalagi kita rakyatnya,jadi budak orang cina.
hanya mereka yang punya jabatanlah yang selalu mendukung rezim jokowi ini,seperti PNS,TNI,POLISI OKNUM KEMENTRIAN AGAMA,
karena jika mereka tidak mendukung rezim ini,jabatan mereka akan di copot,seperti yang terjadi kemarin-kemarin,ketika seorang istri bikin status,(padahal mah gak nunjukin namanya wiranto)
tapi suaminya kena pencopotan jabatan,haduuhh haduuh ini negara udah seperti perusahaan milik jokowi dan antek-anteknya...
ada kabar pak jokowi mau ngutang perdana lagi ,,buat nambal anggaran apbn.
jadi masih kah kalian diam menerima keadaan??
jika harga-harga sembako dan bahan-bahan bumbu yang biasa di pakai oleh rakyat pada naik,kalian lawan aja dengan kalau di tagih pajak bumi dan bangunan atau pajak semacamnya,bilang saya gakbisa bayar bapak,karena uang saya habis buat beli sembako yang semakin mencekik leher kami..
in english :
Raise the price ...
Isn't it already been said that Jokowi rose again in this second period. Cornerowi is the president supported by the PDI party, which
This PDI's ninotaben is that most of its members are PKI.
Pak Jokowi is indeed not Chinese, but Pak Dhe, is his Chinese servant.
what do you think, the president wrote servants of the Chinese, especially we are the people, become slaves to the Chinese.
only those who have positions always support this jokowi regime, such as civil servants, military, POLICE OKNUM KEMENTRIAN RELIGION,
because if they do not support this regime, their position will be removed, as it did yesterday, when a wife made a status, (even though she didn't show her name Wiranto)
but her husband got removed from office, haduuhh haduuh this country was like a company owned by jokowi and his accomplices ...
so are you still quiet about accepting the situation ??
if the prices of groceries and spices used by the people go up, you fight it with land and building taxes or similar taxes, saying I can't pay you, because my money is used up to buy groceries that are getting suffocating our neck ...
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penulis blog
O people, let us compete in working on the good deeds, which have the advantage of knowledge, teach people who are still a little knowledge, who have excess wealth, make a portion of the wealth that you love, and the strong become protectors for weak people. Allah likes those who do good. spread the virtue with what you are able to do, be able to do it, be able to do it, and be able to say it, say it. Because we know that these three things are able to make ourselves meaningful. Human regret in the hereafter will be returned the world just wants to do as much good as possible. # Your thoughts about your life as soap operas and films are tools to wash our thoughts all this time, so choose educational films that bring a good example for our next generation # Your child is your best friend.
let's go on vacation to the lake city, the place is cool ...!
PENGALAMAN adalah sebaik-baik guru.kita sebagai manusia hanya bisa belajar dari atas apa yang terjadi yang telah menimpa diri kita.
kita pelajari apa kesalahannya,dan kemudian kita perbaiki.
in english :
EXPERIENCE is the best teacher. We as humans can only learn from what happened to us.
we learn what the mistake is, and then we fix it.
kata bijak hari ini
Hidup di dunia itu terserah dirimu,kau bebas menjalani apapun yang kamu suka dalam hidup ini,namun kau harus tahu suatu hal,alloh swt telah menerapkan suatu sistem kehidupan di dunia ini,yang di sebut dengan sebab-akibat atau bisa di bilang hukum alam/hukum karma.peribahasa mengatakan kau yang menanam,kamu juga lah yang akan menuainya.KAU BEBAS MELAKUKAN apapun yang kau suka ,tapi ingat nanti kau akan dimintai pertanggungjawabanya.
in english :
Life in the world is up to you, you are free to live whatever you like in this life, but you must know something,
Allah has applied a system of life in this world, which is called causation or can be said to be natural law the law of karma.
the proverb says you plant, you will also reap it. YOU ARE FREE TO DO whatever you like, but remember later you will be held accountable.
kata bijak tahun ini
hidup di dunia ini ,setiap yang masuk pasti kudu keluar,karena kalau tidak bisa di keluarkan,pasti akan mengendap,dan menjadi penyakit.seperti halnya manusia,ada makan pasti ada buang air nya....
kalau kalian tidak bisa buang air besar ataupun kecil,apa yang terjadi dengan tubuh kalian,hayoo?
paling jawabanya kalian masuk rumah sakit.
begitu pula halnya dengan motor ataupun dengan mobil,ada tempat isi bensin ada juga knalpot nya...
jadi semua yang ada di dunia ini dimana dia masuk di situ juga dia akan keluar.
begitu juga dengan harta yang kalian dapatkan dan kalian kumpulkan.
dimana kalian mengambil di situ juga kalian harus mengeluarkan sodakoh atau zakat atau infak.
in english :
living in this world, every one that enters must have come out, because if it can't be removed, it will definitely settle down, and become a disease. Like humans, there is eating and there must be a bowel movement ...
if you can't defecate or small, what happens to your body, hayoo?
the answer is that you go to the hospital.
so is the motorbike or by car, there is a place where there is gasoline and the exhaust ...
so everything in this world where he goes in is also going to come out.
as well as the assets that you get and collect.
where you take it there you also have to take out sodakoh or zakat or infaq.
kata-kata bijak minggu ini
"dunia itu bulat,semakin kau mengejarnya,semakin dunia itu menjauh darimu.
semakin kau menuruti perintah alloh swt,semakin dunia akan mengejarmu.karena dunia ada untuk menguji keimananmu.
karena alloh lah pemilik dunia ini,semua bergantung padaNYA.
kita hanya numpang hidup di dunia.logikanya jika kamu hanya mengutamakan dunia,maka kamu akan mengunci hati nurani kemanusiaanmu kepada sesama manusia.kamu akan silih sikut kepada sesama manusia.tapi jika akhirat menjadi tujuan hidupmu maka kamu akan menggunakan hati nuranimu sebagai manusia untuk selalu berkasih sayang kepada sesama manusia.karena kita tahu dunia itu adalah benda (tidak hidup)sedang yang hidup adalah kita penghuninya(manusia)
in english :
"The world is round, the more you chase it, the more the world moves away from you.
the more you obey the commands of Allah Almighty, the more the world will chase you. Because the world is there to test your faith.
because Allah is the owner of this world, all depends on Him.
we only live in the world.
logically if you only prioritize the world, then you will lock your human conscience to your fellow human beings. You will choose elbows to your fellow humans. know that the world is an object (not alive) while the living is our inhabitants (humans)
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