kalian selalu menyeru-nyerukan radikal akan memecah belah persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa indonesia ini,
yang harus kalian ketahui wahai musuh-musuh kami,yang bisa memecah belah keutuhan negara kita adalah adanya orang-orang penghianat yang menjabat di pemerintahan negara kita,salah satunya adalah orang ini..
dialah salah satu dari beberapa penghianat bangsa dan negara kita.dia menjadi tangan kanan para pengusaha cina untuk memecah belah keutuhan negara kita.
tegakkan keadilan bagi seluruh rakyat ...bukan hanya golongan atas saja yang bisa merasakan keadilan dan kesejahteraaan!
kami rakyat juga membutuhkan keadilan dan kesamaan kesejahteraaan..
Now it starts to prove true that the enemies of Islam really hate these Muslims both through the words that are issued from his mouth, as well as all the actions that always discredit Muslims.
we Muslims only want to uphold justice for all Indonesian people, say radical Islam ..
Our ideology is said to be in conflict with the ideology of Pancasila ...
our ideology is laa ilaa ha illalloh muhammadurrosuululloh ... !!
what a fool with the ideology of Pancasila !!
we don't care about the 1945 Constitution, indeed we are fed the same name PANCASILA ... still the one who gives us fortune is our god, alloh swt, not Pancasila, and not also the 1945 Constitution. us and our family.
and neither are you, our enemies.
Our law is sourced from the Qur'an, not the Constitution.
you guys are hypocrites who say Pancasila ideology, but essentially you are ideology of communism ..
people who always say Islam is radical, Islam is actually terrorists who are terrorists, people who say Islam is radical is actually RADICAL.
our people Muslims are just peaceful, we have never disturbed the lives of people outside of Islam.
we just always call for upholding JUSTICE FOR ALL PEOPLE (SMALL PEOPLE)!
those of you who say radical Islam are officials who are already in your position, you are afraid of the truth!
you are afraid that the truth can destroy the position you have. the problem is that you are used to living well from your position.
so O Muslims, don't be afraid of being called radical, how stupid they want to say we are terrorists to, radical Islam to, the important thing is we don't like what they accuse us of!
the important thing is our lives do not disturb the lives of others, we call for the establishment of justice for all people (small people not the people of the upper classes).
get ready we fight against those who fight us Muslims !!
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