Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

jokowi itu lebih pro ke tiongkok


Wahai pemuda,wahai para mahasiswa,lihatlah para mahasiswa hongkong,mereka sama sekali tidak gentar,nyali mereka tidak ciyut seperti nyali kalian semua wahai mahasiswa indonesia..

para mahasiswa hongkong ini punya mental baja,mereka punya mental orang perantauan..

lebih baik mati di perantauan daripada pulang gak bawa hasil apa-apa.

sebelum tuntutan mereka di kabulkan oleh pemerintah,mereka terus berdemo.tidak seperti kalian wahai mahasiswa indonesia,kalian itu bermental kerupuk...kerupuk kena air langsung leuleus!!

jika kalian bernyali dan bermental baja,coba buktikan wahai para mahasiswa!

kalian sudah tahu presiden kita hanya mebuat kita rakyat ini semakin menderita.hutang  negara bertambah banyak,lowongan kerja yang ada di negara kita kebanyakan di isi oleh orang-orang cina semua.

gaji orang-orang lokal masa lebih sedikit di banding pekerja buruh dari cina.buruh asal cina ini di gaji 2 kali lipat di bandingkan buruh lokal.

kalian bisa cek beritanya disini

apakah ini namanya keadilan??

apakah ini yang dinamakan keadilan bagi seluruh rakyat??

pemerintah kita hanya memprioritaskan pekerja asing dari cina di banding para pekerja dari lokal.

kalian tahu kenapa?

karena presiden kita telah menanda tangani kontrak dengan para pengusaha cina.mereka akan memberikan pinjaman bersyarat.

yakni bahan-bahan harus dari tiongkok,pekerjanya harus dari tiongkokdan hasilnya 75%  harus di bawa ke tiongkok.

lah negara kita untungnya apaan??

sebenarnya negara kita banyak ruginya jika kalian mengetahui.jadi masihkah kalian hanya bisa diam tak bertindak??!!!



O youth, O students, look at the students of Hong Kong, they are not afraid at all, they are not shy like the guts of you all Indonesian students ..

these Hong Kong students have mental steel, they have overseas mentality ..

it's better to die overseas than to go home with no results.

before their demands were granted by the government, they continued to fight. Unlike you Indonesian students, you were mentally crackers ... crackers hit by water directly leuleus !!

if you are brave and steel-minded, try and prove the students!

You all already know that our president only made us these people suffer more. The debt of the state increased, the job vacancies in our country were mostly filled by all Chinese people.

The salaries of local people were less than those of Chinese workers. These Chinese workers were doubled compared to local laborers.

you can check the news here

is this called justice ??

Is this what is called justice for all people ??

our government only prioritizes foreign workers from China compared to local workers.

do you know why?

because our president has signed a contract with Chinese entrepreneurs. They will provide conditional loans.

that is, the ingredients must be from China, the workers must be from China and the results must be 75% brought to China.

what's our country luckily ??

Our country actually has a lot to lose if you know. So can you still just be quiet and not act ?? !!!

so move, O young people, O our people, against the government of the dzolim who like to make us people miserable and suffering. We prove that strength and sovereignty is in the people when we are united !!

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