jadi mereka mengadu domba negara yang sekarang sedang jaya dominasinya seperti amerika di barat,dan cina di asia(timur)
karena kita tahu jika perang terjadi segalanya rusak,jadi sadarlah wahai para pemimpin dunia,jangan mau di adu domba sama keluarga rockfeller dan rostchild untuk menciptakan the new world order.
daripada di gunakan untuk berperang,mendingan dana apbn negara di pakai buat mensejahterakan rakyat kalian,kan masih banyak rakyat-rakyat yang hidupnya susah..
O people, whose name is war, there is no profit, both parties are equally disadvantaged, both in terms of economic damage and the cities will be destroyed as a result of war.
In fact if war happens, the advantage is Israel, because Israel knows that if war takes place in this world, then the economy of the whole world plummets and collapses ..
at a time like that the rockfeller family will come to lend money with exorbitant interest rates to countries experiencing economic bankruptcy.
the war was deliberately designed in such a way by the family of rockfellers and rostchild so that the new world order was realized.
so they are pitting the countries that are now dominating, such as America in the West, and China in Asia (East)
because we know if war happens everything is broken, so be aware, O world leaders, do not want to compete with the rockfeller and rostchild families to create the new world order.
instead of being used for war, it's better if the state budget funds are used for the welfare of your people, there are still many people whose lives are difficult ..
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