💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💂💁💁💁
Wahai pemuda,para pemuda pemudi,ditangan dan kaki kalian lah nasib suatu wilayah itu bisa maju ekonominya atau malah terpuruk ekonominya...
virus corona yang di sebarkan di berita media tv nasional itu adalah bohong,di l indonesia ini sebenarnya virus corona tidak ada dan tidak masuk ke wilayah negara indonesia.
mungkin kalian bertanya,kenapa di media tv nasional di beritakan banyak korban akibat virus corona..
banyak aparat kepolisian yang menyarankan dan membenarkan bahwa virus corona itu memang ada di negara kita,
juga banyak para ahli yang mayoritas mereka adalah punya gelar seperti insinyur,profesor,dokter,mengatakan dan membenarkan apa yang di katakan di media berita tv nasional terkait virus corona.
karena mereka itu satu sama lain saling kompak,saling membantu dalam kebatilan,
mereka yang di utamakan adalah uang,karena mereka bicara di tv nasional,itu sudah di bayar mahal...kalau gak di bayar mah mana mungkin mau,iya kan?
sedangkan dari kepolisian itu yang membenarkan berita dari media tv nasional,adalah dia yang berpangkat tinggi di kepolisian,dialah yang sudah menerima uang banyak dari oknum yang saya tidak tahu namanya.
kalau polisi di tingkat jabatan yang paling tinggi sudah di bayar mahal,tentu akan mudah menyuruh polisi di tingkat yang paling rendah agar membenarkan adanya virus corona.
karena daripada saya di keluarkan dari kepolisian,makanya cari aman aja dah...itu yang ada di pikiran polisi di tingkat jabatan paling rendah..
jadi semua ini sudah di atur,secara sistematik...inilah yang di sebut fitnah akhir jaman...
yang miskin semakin sengsara,yang berkuasa semakin merajalela,yang tahu lebih memilih diam,dan yang bodoh ikut ikutan apa kata para penguasa.
jadi ,kita rakyat kecil,harus bisa sadar dan menyadari saling mengingatkan kepada sesama kita,bahwa berita yang ada di tv nasional mengenai virus corona itu adalah berita bohong,mereka hanya menakut-nakuti kita rakyat kecil.
mereka dengan slogan "cegah penyebaran virus corona",itu hanyalah tipuan belaka untuk meraup keuntungan dari kebodohan kita masyarakat indonesia.
kita bicara fakta,namanya kantor berita nasional adanya dimana?di jakarta bukan?semua kantor berita nasional baik itu tv one,metro tivu,dan yang lain-lainnya,berkantor di jakarta semua bukan?
sedang siaran berita itu tersebar ke berbagai penjuru tanah air dari sabang sampai merauke bukan?
lewat televisi yang biasa kita tonton sehari-hari,
jadi mereka membuat berita bohong yang ada di jakarta,mengenai virus corona,mereka sebarkan ke penjuru negri ini,lalu mereka membuka rekening pundi-pundi amal atas korban virus corona,
dan bodohnya lagi kalau kita transfer duit ke rekening pundi-pundi amal atas nama media tv tersebut.karena kita kan tidak bisa melihat secara langsung,apa benar uang itu di salurkan kepada mereka korban virus corona,
atau hanya sebagian saja yang mereka berikan kepada korban virus corona,sebagian lagi masuk ke rekening pribadi yang punya stasiun tv.
kita kan tidak tahu...?
jadi sadarlah wahai rakyat indonesia...!!
mau sampai kapan kalian di bodoh-bodohi sama mereka yang haus akan keserakahan duniawi..
buka mata kita,ini lingkungan kita,sebelum adanya virus corona yang di sebarkan lewat tv nasional,lingkungan kita biasa saja dan kita bisa berdagang untuk memajukan perekonomian lingkungan kita.
seenggaknya kita memajukan diri kita dan perusahaan milik kita sendiri..biar lebih maju.
ekonomi rakyat kecil menengah ke bawah..
O young men, young women, in your hands and feet is the fate of a region that can advance its economy or even sink its economy ...
Corona virus which is spread in the national TV media news is a lie, in Indonesia this Corona virus actually does not exist and does not enter the territory of the Indonesian state.
you may ask, why on national tv media do many victims of the corona virus report ...
many police officers suggest and confirm that the corona virus exists in our country,
also many experts whose majority of them have degrees such as engineers, professors, doctors, say and justify what is said in the national tv news media related to the corona virus.
because they are mutually compact, helping one another in sleaze,
those who prioritize are money, because they talk on national tv, it's been paid handsomely ... if it's not paid, where might I want it?
while from the police who confirmed the news from the national tv media, it was he who had high rank in the police, he was the one who had received a lot of money from a person whose name I did not know.
if the police at the highest level of office have been paid dearly, it would be easy to send the police at the lowest level to justify the existence of the corona virus.
because instead of me being expelled from the police, that's why just looking for it is safe ... that's what is on the mind of the police at the lowest level of office ..
so all of this has been arranged, systematically ... this is what is called the end-time slander ...
the poor are increasingly miserable, the ruling is increasingly rampant, who knows they prefer silence, and the fools follow what the rulers say.
so, we small people, we must be aware and aware of our mutual reminders, that the news on national TV about the corona virus is false news, they only frighten us little people.
they are with the slogan "prevent the spread of the corona virus", it is merely a hoax to reap the benefits of our ignorance of Indonesian people.
we are talking about facts, the name of the national news agency is where? in Jakarta right? all the national news agencies whether it is TV One, Metro Tivu, and others, have offices in Jakarta all right?
the news broadcast was spread to various parts of the country from Sabang to Merauke right?
on television that we usually watch everyday,
so they made a hoax in Jakarta, about the corona virus, they spread it across the country, then they opened an account of charity coffers for the victims of the corona virus,
and stupid again if we transfer money to the account of the charity coffers in the name of the tv media. because we can't see directly, is it true that the money is channeled to those victims of the corona virus,
or only part of what they give to victims of the corona virus, some go into a personal account that has a TV station.
we don't know ...?
so be aware o people of Indonesia ... !!
how long do you want to be fooled by those who thirst for worldly greed ...
open our eyes, this is our environment, before the corona virus was spread on national tv, our environment was normal and we could trade to advance our environmental economy.
at least we advance ourselves and our own company ... to be more advanced.
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