💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
Bullshitt...itu bohong...!!
Pemerintah kita hanya mencari alasan untuk menutupi krisis keuangan yang sedang di hadapi pemerintah.
Jadi pemerintah kita tidak mau memotong gaji mereka (presiden beserta para mentri mentrinya),untuk menutupi krisis keuangan yang sedang pemerintah alami saat ini.
Tapi pemerintah memakai uang rakyat dari dana haji,untuk menutupi krisis yang di hadapi pemerintah.
Dengan memakai dana haji,pemerintah beralasan untuk memperkuat rupiah.
Betapa bodohnya kita jika kita percaya begitu saja atas alasan pemerintah untuk memperkuat rupiah.
Inilah jika pemimpin negara di angkat dari hasil kecurangan,maka kesana sananya oa akan memimpin negara itu akan selalu melakukan kecurangan demi kecurangan untuk menutupi ketidak becusannya dalam
Memimpin negara.
Padahal jika pemerintah legowo,sudah saja pakai dari gaji mereka (presiden dan para mentri),untuk memperkuat rupiah mah.
Bukan mengambil dana haji dari rakyat.
Woy nyadar wahai rakyat yang punya uang untuk ibadah haji,kalian jangan mau tinggal diam atas kecurangan pemerintah yang gak mau rugi,
Dan bisanya membuat rugi kita rakyatnya dengan memakai dana haji (uang rakyat),untuk menutupi krisis keuangan yang sedang di alami pemerintah.
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
Bullshitt ... that's a lie ... !!
Our government is only looking for reasons to cover up the financial crisis that the government is currently facing.
So our government does not want to cut their salaries (the president and his ministers), to cover the financial crisis that the government is experiencing right now.
But the government uses public money from the pilgrimage fund, to cover the crisis facing the government.
By using the pilgrimage fund, the government reasoned to strengthen the rupiah.
How foolish we would be if we simply believed the government's reason to strengthen the rupiah.
This is if the country's leader is appointed from the results of fraud, then there will be a leader oa country that will always commit fraud for fraud to cover up incompetence in
Lead the country.
Even though the Legowo government has used their salaries (the president and the ministers) to strengthen the rupiah.
Not taking Hajj funds from the people.
Woy realize, O people who have money for the pilgrimage, you do not want to stay silent on cheating governments who do not want to lose,
And usually it makes our people suffer losses by using Hajj funds (public money), to cover the financial crisis that is being experienced by the government.
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