Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Pki itu tidak ingin jika kita rakyat bersatu

💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂


PKI atau orang orang china tidak akan pernah rela membiarkan kita pribumi bersatu,saling peduli,silih asih,silih asah,silih asuh dan silih emutan.

Mereka akan terus berupaya membuat kita rakyat supaya hanya mementingkan diri kita masing masing tanpa peduli dengan orang lain,orang terdekat kita.

Mungkin dulu lewat acara televisi,kita rakyat indonesia di cuci otaknya,agar berpikir atau  memikirkan diri sendiri.

Namun cara melalui tv  mereka pikir sudah gagal,karena rakyat mulai sadar akan pentingnya peduli kepada sesama.

Lalu pki dan orang orang china membuat cara yang kedua yakni,menggunakan wabah  yang sedang trending sedunia,

Mereka menggunakan isu covid 19 untuk  membuat kita rakyat hidup hanya mementingkan diri sendiri,

Apa buktinya? Buktinya adalah kita di larang berkerumun,dilarang bersosialisasi terhadap  sesama di lingkungan  kita masing masing dengan mengatasnamakan  mencegah penularan virus covid19.

Namun seiring waktu berjalan ternyata virus covid19 yang di beritakan  di berita tv nasional hanyalah hoax yang di buat pemerintah bekerja sama dengan pertelevisian se indonesia.

Aslinya di negara kita itu virus covid 19 tidak ada. Namun pki lewat tangan presiden keukeuh,menyatakan bahwa  si covid ada di negara kita.

Hanya orang orang bodoh yang percaya bahwa si covid ada di negara kita..

Masa gejala klinis nya seperti  batuk,pilek,bersin bersin???

Bukankah gejala gejala  penyakit seperti itu mah memang penyakit biasa,pake obat warung juga bakalan sembuh.

Lalu apa tujuan mereka (pki) menggunakan isu covid 19,yakni memutus pergerakan ekonomi kita rakyat.

Karena mereka(pki) kaget,dan aneh  melihat kemajuan ekonomi rakyat yang sangat cepat,

Maka mereka merasa ekonomi rakyat harus di bawah standar ekonomi yang mereka inginkan.

Itu kenapa mereka menerapkan psbb di setiap wilayah di setiap kota yang ada di indonesia,terutama di kota yang laju pertumbuhan ekonominya sangat cepat.


💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂

💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂


PKI or the Chinese people will never be willing to let us natives unite, care for one another, choose one another, pick one another, take one another and choose one another.

They will continue to strive to make us people so that we are only concerned with each of us without caring about others, those closest to us.

Maybe in the past through a television program, we Indonesians were brainwashed, in order to think or think about ourselves.

But the way through TV they think has failed, because people are starting to realize the importance of caring for others.

Then the PKI and the Chinese made a second method, which was to use an epidemic that was trending all over the world,

They use the covid 19 issue to make us people live only selfish,
What is the proof?

The proof is that we are prohibited from crowding, prohibited from socializing to each other in our respective environments on behalf of preventing the transmission of the covid19 virus.

But as time went on it turned out that the covid19 virus that was preached on national tv news was only a hoax that the government had collaborated with in Indonesia.

Originally in our country there was no covid 19 virus. However, through the hands of President Keukeuh, he stated that the Covid was in our country.

Only fools believe that the covid is in our country ...
The period of clinical symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sneezing sneezing ???

Is not the symptoms of such illnesses mah is indeed an ordinary disease, using medicine stalls will also recover.

Then what is their purpose (pki) using covid 19 issue, which is to break the movement of our people's economy.

Because they (pki) were shocked, and it was strange seeing people's economic progress very quickly,

So they feel the people's economy must be below the economic standards they want.

PKI or the Chinese people will never be willing to let us natives unite, care for one another, choose one another, pick one another, take one another and choose one another.

They will continue to strive to make us people so that we are only concerned with each of us without caring about others, those closest to us.
Maybe in the past through a television program, we Indonesians were brainwashed, in order to think or think about ourselves.

But the way through TV they think has failed, because people are starting to realize the importance of caring for others.

Then the PKI and the Chinese made a second method, which was to use an epidemic that was trending all over the world,

They use the covid 19 issue to make us people live only selfish,
What is the proof?

 The proof is that we are prohibited from crowding, prohibited from socializing to each other in our respective environments on behalf of preventing the transmission of the covid19 virus.

But as time went on it turned out that the covid19 virus that was preached on national tv news was only a hoax that the government had collaborated with in Indonesia.

Originally in our country there was no covid 19 virus. However, through the hands of President Keukeuh, he stated that the Covid was in our country.

Only fools believe that the covid is in our country ...
The period of clinical symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sneezing sneezing ???

Is not the symptoms of such illnesses mah is indeed an ordinary disease, using medicine stalls will also recover.

Then what is their purpose (pki) using covid 19 issue, which is to break the movement of our people's economy.

Because they (pki) were shocked, and it was strange seeing people's economic progress very quickly,

So they feel the people's economy must be below the economic standards they want.

That is why they apply the PSBB in every region in every city in Indonesia, especially in cities where the rate of economic growth is very fast.

That is why they apply the PSBB in every region in every city in Indonesia, especially in cities where the rate of economic growth is very fast.

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