Di TV selalu di beritakan apdet apdet berita orang yang terkena virus dan yang baru sembuh dari si COVID, hanya yang terkena virus dan yang sembuh saja yang banyak beritanya.
Yang meninggal mah jarang bukan??
Kalau ada berita yang menyiarkan orang meninggal gara gara si COVID, harusnya kalian telusuri orangnya, keluarganya, benarkah apa yang di beritakan oleh media bahwa orang tersebut meninggal gara gara virus??
Biar kita semakin yakin, dan bisa membedakan mana berita asli dan mana berita hoax.
Soalnya sering kita lihat di media, orang yang meninggal karena punya penyakit lain, masa di line depan media, di beritakan meninggal karena corona.
Itu kan sama saja bikin hoax atau bikin fitnah.
Tapi kenapa media berani menyiarkan berita tentang si COVID ini tanpa ada bosannya??
Yang pertama karena media telah di bayar oleh segolongan orang elit yang berduit, agar mau terus menerus memberitakan berita corona ini.
Lagi karena telah di bayar mahal oleh segolongan elit berduit yang saya tidak tahu namanya siapa, agar berani menyiarkan berita kebohongan untuk meraup keuntungan.
Jadi pemikiran si punya TV sama yang bayarin sama, sama sama menginginkan keuntungan,
Dan menganggap kita rakyat Indonesia ini adalah rakyat yang bodoh..!
Mudah untuk di bodoh bodohi, dan memang nyatanya kita ini bodoh mudah percaya tanpa mencari tahu kebenaran akan berita yang di sebarkan oleh media.
Cobalah kalian cari tahu kebenaran yang di beritakan media berita TV nasional tentang COVID 19 ini.
Jika kalian telah mengetahui maka coba kalian sebarkan ke medsos kalian agar kita semua tahu.
Dan agar kita bisa membuktikan pada mereka para penjilat pemerintah yang haus akan uang dan menghilangkan nilai nilai kejujuran,
Bahwa kita tidak akan tinggal diam dan menerima begitu saja atas berita yang di sebarkan media.
Apakah di antara kalian ada yang bertanya, pernahkah media menyebutkan alamat terperinci dari orang orang yang didata terkena virus corona?
Rt Rw, nya.. Nama kampungnya apa? Biar kami sendiri yang telusuri dan bertanya kepada orang yang di duga terkena virus corona.
Dari sekian ribu orang yang terkena virus se-Indonesia, ada tidak mereka menyebutkan dimana alamat rinci nya penderita virus corona tersebut??
Rt Rw nya, kampungnya apa..
Mereka hanya menyebutkan kota nya saja.
Kota itu luas dan penduduknya banyak.
Ingatlah wahai rakyat Indonesia,
Namanya data data mah bisa saja mereka buat semaunya mereka.
Belajarlah dari pengalaman wahai rakyat..data data hasil pilpres pemilu kemarin...
Bukankah media TV pernah kacaletot data pemilu presiden 2019 kemarin??
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O people of Indonesia, especially people of faith, rest assured that the corona virus has never existed in our country, if there were any, it would only infect people who have already been identified by the virus.
How often do you see the data of people affected by the corona virus on TV ??? !!
On TV, they are always preached, apdet, news about people who have been infected with a virus and who have just recovered from the COVID, only those who have been infected with the virus and who are cured have a lot of news.
The one who dies isn't rare, right ??
If there is news that broadcasts a person died because of the COVID, you should trace the person, his family, is it true what was reported by the media that the person died because of a virus ??
Let us be more confident, and can distinguish between original news and hoax news.
The problem is that we often see it in the media, people who die because they have other diseases, the period in the front line of the media, is reported to have died from corona.
That's the same as making a hoax or making slander.
But why did the media dare to broadcast news about the COVID without being bored ??
The first is because the media has been paid by a group of wealthy elites, who want to continue to preach this corona news.
Again because it has been paid handsomely by a group of moneyed elites who I don't know what his name is, so he dares to broadcast lies to make a profit.
So the thought of having the same TV that pays the same, equally wants profit,
And consider us Indonesian people are stupid people ..!
It is easy to be foolish foolish, and in fact we are foolish easy to believe without finding out the truth about the news spread by the media.
Try to find out the truth about what the national TV news media about COVID 19 is.
If you already know then try to spread it to your social media so we all know.
And so we can prove to them the sycophants of governments who are hungry for money and eliminate the value of honesty,
That we will not remain silent and take for granted the news that is spread by the media.
Have any of you asked, has the media ever mentioned the detailed addresses of the people who were recorded as having the corona virus?
RT Rw, what's the name of the village? Let us explore it ourselves and ask the person suspected of having corona virus.
Of the thousands of people affected by the virus in Indonesia, did they not mention the detailed address of the corona virus sufferer ??
RT RW, what village ...
They only mention the city.
Remember, O people of Indonesia,
The name of the data is that they can make whatever they want.
Learn from the data from yesterday's election results. ??
Is not the TV media never mess up the presidential election data.
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