Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Monday, July 27, 2020

Virus corona,psbb,dan vaksin covid19 adalah rencana elit global

💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂


Wahai rakyat indonesia,

Virus corona itu hanyalah akal akalan pemerintah saja untuk melindungi segala kepentingannya.ketika kita dekat dengan orang yang sudah pernah di nyatakan positif kena virus,langsung kita di test swab,dan hasilnya pasti kita positif.

Namun ketika jokowi pernah dekat dengan orang yang positif corona,lalu jokowi di test swab,maka hasilnya negatif,mencurigakan....

Ketika pa 212 mau demo di depan MK,tiba tiba sidang kasus pilpres di tunda,dan gedung MK Di adakan penyemprotan disinfektan,dengan alasan mensterilkan ruangan.dan untuk mencegah penyebaran virus.

Coba deh kalian demo dan geruduk gedung istana,pasti di depan istana atau jalan yang mau ke istana langsung di tutup,dengan alasan psbb.

Semakin terlihat,ternyata psbb dan alasan mencegah penyebaran virus hanyalah kebohongan belaka.ternyata penyebaran virus itu hanya berlaku untuk kita rakyat,sedangkan untuk jokowi dan para pejabat mah gak berlaku.

Jokowi dan para pejabat kebal segala galanya,kebal hukum,kebal virus dan kebal muka...

Jadi virus corona itu hanya menyerang kita rakyat saja..sedang para pejabat tidak akan terserang.

Bukti lain pas waktu ngadain konser bpip,para pejabat berkerumun dan tidak memakai masker,tapi gugus tugas diam saja.beritanya disini

Sedang waktu rhoma irama mengadakan konser,gugus tugas langsung sehari sehabis konser di adakan test rapid dan test swab.beritanya disini

Apakah ini adil namanya?

Apakah kalian tidak curiga,wahai rakyat indonesia...??

Jadi alasan untuk mencegah penyebaran virus corona hanyalah tipu daya,

Jadi sampai kapan kalian sadar,dan menyadari bahwa betapa bodohnya kalian semua...!!

Mau saja di tipu dan di perdaya pemerintah dengan alasan mencegah penyebaran virus..

Coba saja ada tidak berita bahwa virus corona ini berakhir??tidak ada bukan.tidak ada yang tahu sampai kapan virus ini berakhir.

Dan harus kalian ketahui wahai rakyat indonesia,tujuan pasti dari beredarnya berita virus corona adalah memakaikan vaksin kepada kita masyarakat.

Berhati hatilah,vaksin covid 19,itu bukan sembarang vaksin,itu adalah microchip yang akan di masukan ke dalam tubuh kalian.

Ketika kalian sudah berhasil di beri vaksin,dan vaksin sudah masuk di tubuh kalian,itu berarti kalian sudah menjadi budak.budak dalam perbudakan elit global.


Virus corona ,psbb,vaksin si covid,semua itu adalah rencana elit global untuk menguasai diri kalian dan kekayaan alam negara kalian,dan untuk memiskinkan hidup kalian.


💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂


O people of Indonesia,

Corona virus is just a trick of the government to protect all its interests. When we are close to people who have been declared positive by the virus, we are immediately tested in a swab, and the results are definitely positive.

But when Jokowi was once close to a person who was corona positive, then Jokowi was tested in a swab, the results were negative, suspicious ...

Read the news here.

When pa 212 wanted a demonstration in front of the Constitutional Court, suddenly the trial of the presidential election case was postponed, and the Constitutional Court building held a disinfectant spraying, on the grounds of sterilizing the room and to prevent the spread of the virus.

Try to demo and occupy the palace building, surely in front of the palace or the road that wants to go to the palace is immediately closed, for the reason of the message.

Increasingly visible, it turns out that the PSBB and reasons for preventing the spread of the virus are just lies. It turns out that the spread of the virus only applies to us people, while for Jokowi and officials it does not apply.

Jokowi and the officials are invulnerable to everything, immune to the law, immune to viruses and invulnerability ...

So the corona virus only attacks us the people ... the officials will not be attacked.

Other evidence at the time of the bpip concert, the officials gathered and did not wear masks, but the task force was silent.

While the Rhoma Rhythm held a concert, the task force was immediately held a day after the concert. There was a rapid test and a swab test.

Is this fair?

Are you not suspicious, O Indonesian people ... ??

So the reason for preventing the spread of the corona virus is just deception,

So how long do you guys realize, and realize that how stupid all of you are ... !!

I want to be deceived and be tricked by the government with the reason to prevent the spread of the virus ...

Just try it there is no news that this corona virus ends ?? no no. No one knows how long this virus ends.

And you must know, O people of Indonesia, the exact purpose of the circulation of the corona virus is to use vaccines for us the people.

Be careful, covid 19 vaccine, it is not just any vaccine, it is a microchip that will be inserted into your body.

When you have successfully given the vaccine, and the vaccine has entered your body, it means you have become slaves. Slavery in the global elite slavery.


The corona virus, the psbb, the covid vaccine, all of that is a global elite plan to control yourself and your country's natural wealth, and to impoverish your life.

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