Kita jangan lemah... Dan di lemahkan... Ingat kita sebagai muslim jangan terlihat lemah, jika kita cinta dunia dan takut akan kematian, maka Alloh Akan melemahkan kita di hadapan mata musuh kita.
Ingat, kita punya Alloh...!!!
Tuhan semesta alam, raja dari segala raja, yang mengatur semua urusan mahluk.
Jadi bergantung lah hanya kepada Alloh...!
Sedang musuh kita, bodyguard nya adalah si tukang tipu, syetan laknatulloh..
Jadi musuh musuh kita sebenarnya, mereka ditipu oleh syetan,
Pengikut syetan itu biasanya menyerahkan jiwa mereka kepada syetan, jadi selama hidupnya di dunia ini, mereka akan terus di kontrol oleh syetan.
Jika jiwa kita dikontrol syetan, itu berarti, kita hidup dalam kegelisahan, dan rasa takut yang teramat sangat.
Syetan akan terus menyuruh pengikutnya agar melakukan hal hal negatif.
Maka, merugilah orang orang yang menjual jiwanya demi ketenaran di dunia, juga demi kekayaan untuk kehidupan kita didunia.
Mereka, memang banyak harta benda, menjadi terkenal, namun, mereka tidak akan pernah merasakan ketenangan dalam hidup mereka.
Karena syetan akan datang kepada pengikutnya,menyuruh para pengikutnya untuk melakukan kerusakan di muka bumi, dan sebagai imbalannya pengikutnya setan di beri kekayaan harta benda, ketenaran..
Namun jiwa mereka tidak bahagia...
Dan celakanya, jika pengikut syetan itu terus mengikuti syetan sampai akhir hayatnya. Maka, bagi mereka, nerakalah tempat kembalinya...
Mereka abadi hidup di neraka. Mereka akan tersiksa oleh panasnya api neraka, dan Alloh berfirman, rasakanlah olehmu azab ku yang teramat pedih...!!
Itu adalah balasan atas perbuatanmu sewaktu kamu hidup di dunia, karena sewaktu kamu hidup di dunia, kamu suka membuat kerusakan di muka bumi, dan kamu selalu mengikuti langkah langkah syetan.
Kan kamu sendiri sudah tahu, kalau syetan atau iblis itu di ciptakan dari api neraka. Kenapa kalian malah seneng ngikutin langkah langkah syetan?!!
Karena kamu telah memilih untuk mengikuti langkah langkah syetan, maka, teruskanlah langkah langkah itu sampai ke api neraka,
Karena kampung halaman syetan adalah di neraka.
Sedang kampung halaman kita manusia adalah ya disini, di dunia.
Alloh itu maha adil terhadap semua mahluknya, jadi Alloh bakalan menempatkan mahluk mahluknya sesuai dari apa dia tercipta?
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O Muslims,
Islam is the majority religion in our country, well ... Even though it's only on the KTP, but it's bae ...
We are the majority Muslim community, everywhere, the majority has the right to determine the vote, we Muslims must determine and control the direction of leaders in our country.
If our leader is not worthy, then we must replace it with someone who is able to lead.
We must not be weak ... And be weakened ... Remember us as Muslims do not look weak, if we love the world and are afraid of death, Allah will weaken us before the eyes of our enemies.
Remember, we have Allah ... !!!
The Lord of the worlds, the king of kings, is in control of all the affairs of beings.
So depend only on Allah ...!
While our enemy, the bodyguard is the con man, the devil is laknatulloh ..
So the enemy is our real enemy, they are deceived by Satan,
Satan's followers usually surrender their souls to the satan, so as long as they live in this world, they will continue to be controlled by the satan.
If our souls are controlled by satan, that means, we live in extreme anxiety and fear.
Satan will continue to tell his followers to do negative things.
So, do you lose those who sell their souls for the sake of fame in the world, as well as for the sake of wealth for our lives in the world.
They, indeed many possessions, become famous, however, they will never feel serenity in their life.
Because the devil will come to his followers, to do damage to the earth, and in return the devil's followers will be given wealth, fame ...
However their souls are not happy ...
And unfortunately, if the satan's followers continue to follow the satan until the end of his life. So, for them, hell is the place to return ...
They live eternally in hell. They will be tormented by the heat of hell fire, and Allah says, feel by you my very painful punishment ... !!
That is the reward for what you did while you were living in the world, because when you were living in the world, you liked to do damage on the earth, and you always followed Satan's steps.
You already know yourself that a satan or devil was created from hell fire. Why are you even happy to follow the steps of the devil? !!
Since you have chosen to follow the steps of satan, then, continue these steps to the fire of hell,
Because satan's hometown is in hell.
While our human hometown is yes here in the world.
Allah is most fair to all of his creatures, so Allah will place his creatures according to what he was created from?
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