💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
Wahai manusia,
Tahukah kalian,hanya satu kalimat yang paling di benci oleh iblis di sepanjang hidupnya...
Yakni apabila seorang manusia selalu mengucapkan astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh...
Astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh...astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh...
Kenapa iblis sangat membenci jika kita manusia selalu mengucapkan astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh...?
Karena iblis tahu,alloh ITU maha pengasih lagi maha pengampun,alloh mengampuni setiap hamba hambanya yang meminta ampunan..
Jika iblis melihat Dan mendengar manusia mengucapkan astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh...
Maka seketika,badan iblis bergetar,gemeteran,meriang panas dingin...
Jadi iblis ITU merasa iri sama kita umat manusia,karena kita manusia,memiliki bentuk fisik yang sempurna.
Karena adanya rasa iri didalam hati iblis inilah yang membuat iblis selalu memusuhi kita umat manusia.
Jika pakai logika begini....
Kita adalah kepala keluarga,punya anak tiga,yang satunya penurut banget,APA APA yang kita suruh langsung di kerjain,
Nah anak yang kedua,keras kepala,maunya menang sendiri...
Dan yang terakhir alias so bungsu masih lugu...
Jadi di bungsu INI terkadang nurut sama perintah kita,terkadang merekedeweng,bedegong...
Da so bungsu may sifatnya mencontoh kakak kakaknya.
Dari ketiga anak kita tersebut,bukankah kita sangat menyayangi mereka semua bukan?
Karena mereka adalah anak anak kita.
Tapi masing masing Dari anak kita memiliki sifat Dan karakternya masing masing.
Dan kita selalu orang tuanya sebisa mungkin sudah mengenali sifat Dan karakter anak anak kita.
Tugas kita sebagai orang tua mereka adalah,menjuruskan mereka sesuai sifat Dan skillnya supaya bisa hidup mandiri..
Sesuai bakat Dan karakternya masing masing...
Begitu juga dengan gusti alloh...alloh ITU sangat menyayangi semua mahluk ciptaannya,baik ITU malaikat,iblis Dan kita manusia...
Karena alloh mengetahui darimana setiap mahluk ciptaannya berasal,atau Dari APA mahluknya di ciptakan,
Maka Dari ITU alloh memberikan jalan mudah,agar setiap mahluk ciptaannya bisa hidup sesuai asal usul Dari mana mereka tercipta.
Alloh akan menempatkan setiap mahluk ciptaannya sesuai asal muasalnya,darimana ia diciptakan.
Manusia akan alloh tempatkan di dunia,karena manusia berasal Dari tanah.
Iblis akan alloh tempatkan di neraka,karena iblis berasal Dari api.
Lalu malaikat akan di tempatkan di surga,karena malaikat diciptakan Dari cahaya.
Mungkin Dari kalian ada yang bingung...bagaimana bentuk neraka yang akan di tempati iblis kelak??
Semarang begini saja,anggaplah kita INI golongan iblis,mungkin bertanya...
Manusiakan di ciptakan Dari tanah,bagaimana atau seperti apakah tempat yang akan di tinggali oleh umat manusia??
In English :
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O people,
You know, only one sentence that the devil hates in his entire life ...
Namely, if a human being always says astagfirullohal adziim, yes Allah ...
Astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh ... astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh ...
Why does the devil hate it so much if we humans always say astagfirullohal adziim ya alloh ...?
Because the devil knows, Allah IS all-merciful, all-forgiving, Allah forgives every servant of his servant who asks for forgiveness ..
If the devil sees and hears humans say astagfirullohal adziim, yes Allah ...
Then at once, the devil's body trembled, trembled, radiated chills ...
So the devil is jealous of us humans, because we humans have perfect physical forms.
Because there is jealousy in the devil's heart that makes the devil always hostile to us humans.
If you use this logic ...
We are the head of the family, we have three children, the only one is very obedient, WHAT do we tell us to do,
Now the second child, stubborn, wants to win alone ...
And the last one, aka the youngest, is still innocent ...
So in this youngest, sometimes we obey our orders, sometimes they are doing a tantrum, swarming ...
Da So's youngest may imitate his older brother.
Of our three children, don't we really love them all, don't we?
Because they are our children.
But each of our children has their own characteristics and characteristics.
And we are always the parents as much as possible to recognize the nature and character of our children.
Our job as their parents is to correct them according to their nature and skills so they can live independently ..
According to their respective talents and characters ...
Likewise with gusti alloh ... God is very fond of all creatures of his creation, be it angels, demons and we humans ...
Because Allah knows where each creature in his creation came from, or WHAT his creature was created from,
Therefore, Allah provides an easy way, so that every creature in his creation can live according to the origin of where they were created.
Allah will place every creature in its creation according to its origin, where it was created.
God will place humans in the world, because humans come from the ground.
The devil will be placed in hell, because the devil comes from fire.
Then angels will be placed in heaven, because angels are created from light.
Maybe some of you are confused ... what form of hell will the devil occupy someday ??
Just like this in Semarang, let's say that we ARE the devil group, maybe ask ...
Humans are created From the ground, how or what kind of place will humans live in?
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