Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Friday, October 1, 2021

Suntik vaksin,ko kesannya di paksakan dan sangat memaksakan...!!

🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏___ assallaamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏

Yang mau di suntik vaksin kok di sogok pake makanan???

Wahai rakyat indonesia...

Pernah gak kalian melihat berita di tv,yang mau di suntik vaksin nanti di kasih hadiah makanan?

Katanya untuk kesehatan,tapi kesannya sangat memaksakan banget hahahaha

Lucu banget,kelihatan banget kalau ada unsur pemaksaan dan memaksakan agar kita rakyat mau untuk di suntik vaksin!!

Kalau lah benar untuk kesehatan,kita rakyat gak usah di paksa juga,kita dengan sukarela datang sendiri untuk di vaksin.

Tapi kenyataannya,semua yang ada kata tempat tempat umum,kesannya harus di wajibkan vaksin,seperti mau ke bandara harus menunjukan surat telah di vaksin,

Mau ke stasiun harus menunjukan surat vaksin,dan mau ke tempat tempat umum lainnya juga harus menunjukan surat bahwa kita telah di vaksin..

Ini buat kesehatan atau pemaksaan?!!

Jadi orang yang mau untuk di suntik vaksin itu bukan karena mereka takut adanya virus corona,karena memang virus corona itu hanya berita hoax yang di sebarkan media mainstreem..

Dan memang virus corona aslinya gak pernah ada..

Gejala nya aja,sama persis dengan penyakit penyakit yang biasa kita alami,batuk,pilek,sakit tenggorokan,dan demam..  


Disangkanya kita rakyat terlalu bodoh kali ya buat percaya kalau itu adalah corona,

Hanya kaum bani bipang dan cebong lah yang selalu mendukung program pemerintah yang selalu di usung dan di gembar gemborkan oleh media mainstreem..

Karena pemilik media mainstreem telah di bayar mahal untuk terus menerus menyiarkan berita mengenai virus corona.

Jadi enak pemilik stasiun tv mah dia udah dapat duit banyak,yang untung dan di untungkannya satu pihak,

Yang di rugikan nya hampir semua pihak...!

In english :::::

🙏___ assalamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏

Why are those who want to be injected with vaccines bribed with food???

O Indonesian people...

Have you ever seen the news on TV, those who want to inject the vaccine will be given a gift of food?

They say it's for health, but the impression is very imposing hahahaha

It's really funny, it really looks like there is an element of coercion and forcing us people to want to be injected with vaccines!!

If it's true for health, we the people don't have to be forced either, we voluntarily come alone to be vaccinated.

But in reality, everything that says public places, seems to have to be vaccinated, like going to the airport, you have to show a letter that has been vaccinated.

If you want to go to the station, you have to show a vaccine letter, and if you want to go to other public places, you must also show a letter that you have been vaccinated.

Is this for health or coercion?!!

So people who want to be injected with the vaccine are not because they are afraid of the corona virus, because indeed the corona virus is just hoax news that is spread by mainstream media..

And indeed the original corona virus never existed..

The symptoms are exactly the same as the diseases we usually experience, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and fever.

Ha ha ha

He thought that we, the people, were too stupid to believe that it was Corona.

Only the Bani Bipang and Cebong are the ones who always support government programs that are always being stretched and heralded by the mainstream media.

Because the mainstream media owners have been paid handsomely to continuously broadcast news about the corona virus.

So it's good that the owner of the tv station has got a lot of money, which is profitable and one side benefits,

What almost everyone loses...!

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