🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏___ assallaamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
Mau bangun ibu kota nusantara uangnya gak ada??
Wahai rakyat indonesia...
jadi pengen ketawa...hahahahaa...
Malu maluin aja ini rezim,lagak nya aja kaya yang udah persiapan bener bener punya duit banyak..
Mau mindahin ibu kota...
Tahu nya hadeuh...
Cari investor kesana kemari...
Belum dapat dapat...
Terus maksa kita buat urun dana hahahahaha...
Ribet amet bahasanya,
Minta sumbangan gitu,kan mudah paham kita orang awam dan anak milenial mah hahahahaha
Boro ra ah mikirin nyumbang,mikirin buat bisa makan hari ini aja udah puyeng...
Lagian maksa amet mau pindah ibu kota...?!
Kita rakyat gak ada yang setuju ibu kota di pindah..
Kalau kira kira belum punya duit,ya udah jangan belaga pengen mindahin ibu kota.
Urus dulu yang bener masalah yang di hadapi rakyat kalian,
Minyak goreng juga belum ke urus,di tambah solar juga sama langka...
untuk info...klik link yang di beri tanda kurung
Ini belaga mau pindah ibu kota,
Tahu sendiri biaya untuk pindah ibu kota gak sedikit.
Di tambah lama nya waktu membangun infrastruktur...
Keburu beres tuh jabatan jadi presidennya.sementara proyek ibu kotanya gak selesai selesai.
Yang nanggung susahnya ntar presiden selanjutnya...
Hutang menumpuk...
Masalah demi masalah datang bertubi tubi...
Hingga pada akhirnya presiden selanjutnya juga akan berlaku sama,
Daripada pusing pusing mikirin urusan yang gak beres beres,
Mendingan gua manfaatin jabatan gua,buat nambah kekayaan gua...
Bodo amat urusan rakyat mah,yang penting duit di rekening banyak...
Jabatan selama 5 tahun harus benar benar gua manfaatin buat memperkaya diri gua dan keluarga juga para pendukung yang udah mendukung gua jadi presiden..
Urusan rakyat...
Bodo amat...
Itulah yang ada di pikiran presiden yang akan menjabat selanjutnya.
In english:::
Do you want to build the capital city of the archipelago, don't you have money?
O Indonesian people...
Ha ha ha ha....
The first sentence makes me want to laugh... hahahaha...
Shame on you, this is the regime, it's just like the ones who have been prepared really have a lot of money..
Want to move the capital city...
You know that...
Looking for investors here and there...
Cannot get...
Keep forcing us to make crowdfunding hahahaha...
Very complicated language,
Ask for donations, it's easy for us to understand, we're laymen, hahaha
Boro ra ah thinking about donating, just thinking about being able to eat today is already dizzy...
After all, you are forced to move the capital city...?!
If you think you don't have money, then don't bother trying to move the capital city.
Take care of the problems that your people are facing first.
Cooking oil has not been taken care of either, plus diesel is also the same as rare...
This is a battle to move the capital city,
You know that it costs a lot to move the capital city.
In addition to the long time to build infrastructure...
In a hurry, his position as president was finished. Meanwhile, the capital city project was not finished.
The one who bears the difficulty will be the next president...
Debt piled up...
Problem after problem comes in succession...
In the end, the next president will do the same.
Instead of getting dizzy thinking about things that went wrong,
I'd rather take advantage of my position, to increase my wealth...
It's really stupid people's business, the important thing is there is a lot of money in the account...
I really need to use my 5 year position to enrich myself and my family as well as the supporters who have supported me as president..
People's business...
Ha ha ha ha...
That's what's on the mind of the next president.
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