Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Yang kudu di ganti itu presidennya,bukan mentri mentrinya...!

🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏___ assallaamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏

Ganti mentri agama..reshuflle kabinet...Percuma..yang kudu di ganti itu presidennya...!

Wahai rakyat indonesia...

Di jaman presiden sekarang inilah oligarki mutlak berkuasa penuh atas negara kita.

Di balik wayangnya yang menjadi presiden,mereka memainkan perannya.

Membabat habis apa apa yang di butuhkan rakyat kecil terutama kita umat islam.

Ekonomi kita di bikin susah...usaha kita di persulit...

Hingga urusan rumah tangga pun di bikin susah dan  langka..

Dari mulai minyak goreng,hingga solar pun mereka mainkan.

Kita di tekan...supaya kita lemah dan tidak bisa melawan...!

Supaya kita tidak punya kekuatan untuk menggulingkan kekuasaan rezim yang berkuasa saat ini..!

Bukannya sadar dan bisa merasakan penderitaan rakyat yang terbebani oleh langka nya dan sulitnya mendapatkan minyak goreng bagi ibu ibu dan langka nya solar bagi bapak bapak..

Rezim ini malah mengurusi hal hal yang gak penting,radikal radikul...

Ulama ulama di penjara,belum aturan bahwa  syarat jual beli tanah harus memakai bpjs kan gak nyambung hahahahaha

..di tambah mau mindahin ibu kota lagi..hadeuhh..

Bagi rezim ini,urusan yang penting di buat gak penting,

yang gak penting di penting pentingin.

Yang penting kemauan oligarki bisa berhasil,kemauan rakyat bodo amat...

Mentri agama buat masalah kalian malah bikin demo dan berkata,GANTI MENTRI AGAMA!

negara banyak masalah,presiden mau reshuflle kabinet nya...


Kalau pemimpin nya gak jelas,bawahannya sudah pasti sama gak jelas...

Karena bawahan itu mencontoh atasannya..


Mundurlah jokowi!!

Negara ini di pimpin anda malah makin hancur...!

In english::

🙏___ assalamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏

Change the minister of religion.. reshuffle the cabinet... It's useless.. it's the president who needs to be replaced...!

O Indonesian people...

In the current presidential era, the absolute oligarchy has full power over our country.

Behind the puppet who became president, they played a role.

Clearing up what is needed by the little people, especially us Muslims.

Our economy is made difficult...our business is complicated...

Until household matters are made difficult and rare..

From cooking oil to diesel, they also play.

We are pressured... so that we are weak and can't fight back...!

So that we don't have the power to overthrow the current regime..!

Instead of being aware and being able to feel the suffering of the people who are burdened by the scarcity and difficulty of getting cooking oil for mothers and fathers and rare diesel fuel for fathers..

This regime even takes care of things that are not important, radical radicals...

Ulama are in prison, there is no rule that the conditions for buying and selling land must use BPJS, it's not connected hahahahaha

..in addition to wanting to move the capital city again..hadeuhh..

For this regime, important matters are made unimportant.

what is not important is important.

The important thing is the will of the oligarchs can succeed, the will of the people is very stupid...

The Minister of Religion for your problems even made a demonstration and said, CHANGE THE MINISTER OF RELIGION!

the country has many problems, the president wants to reshuffle his cabinet...


If the leader is not clear, the subordinates are definitely not clear...

Because subordinates imitate their superiors.


Come back jokowi!!

This country is under your leadership even more destroyed ...!

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